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Timing Members

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Represents timing properties for an animation effect.

The Timing type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Accelerate Returns or sets the percentage of the duration over which a timing acceleration should take place. Read/write.
Public property Application Returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object.
Public property AutoReverse Determines whether an effect should play forward and then in reverse, thereby doubling its duration. Read/write.
Public property BounceEnd
Public property BounceEndIntensity
Public property Decelerate Sets or returns the percentage of the duration over which a timing deceleration should take place. Read/write.
Public property Duration Returns or sets the length of an animation in seconds. Read/write.
Public property Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object.
Public property RepeatCount Sets or returns the number of times to repeat an animation. Read/write.
Public property RepeatDuration Sets or returns how long repeated animations should last, in seconds. Read/write.
Public property Restart Represents whether the animation effect restarts after the effect has started once. Read/write.
Public property RewindAtEnd Represents whether an object returns to its beginning position after an animation has ended. Read/write.
Public property SmoothEnd Determines whether an animation should decelerate as it ends. Read/write.
Public property SmoothStart Determines whether an animation should accelerate when it starts. Read/write.
Public property Speed Returns or sets the speed, in seconds, of the specified animation. Read/write.
Public property TriggerBookmark
Public property TriggerDelayTime Sets or returns the delay, in seconds, from when an animation trigger is enabled. Read/write.
Public property TriggerShape Sets or returns a Shape object that represents the shape associated with an animation trigger. Read/write.
Public property TriggerType Represents the trigger that starts an animation. Read/write.


See Also


Timing Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint Namespace