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Report.Painting Property (Access)

You can use the Painting property to specify whether a report is repainted. Read/write Boolean.


expression .Painting

expression A variable that represents a Report object.


The Painting property is similar to the Echo action. However, the Painting property prevents repainting of a single report, whereas the Echo action prevents repainting of all open windows in an application.

Setting the Painting property for a report to False also prevents all controls (except subreport controls) on a report from being repainted. To prevent a subreport control from being repainted, you must set the Painting property for the subreport to False. (Note that you set the Painting property for the subreport, not the subreport control.)

The Painting property is automatically set to True whenever the report gets or loses the focus. You can set this property to False while you are working on a report if you don't want to see changes to the report or to its controls. For example, if a form has a set of controls that are automatically resized when the form is resized and you don't want the user to see each individual control move, you can turn Painting off, and then move all of the controls, then turn Painting back on.


The following example uses the Painting property to enable or disable form painting depending on whether the SetPainting variable is set to True or False. If form painting is turned off, Microsoft Access displays the hourglass icon while painting is turned off.

Public Sub EnablePaint(ByRef frmName As Form, _ 
 ByVal SetPainting As Integer) 
 frmName.Painting = SetPainting 
 ' Form painting is turned off. 
 If SetPainting = False Then 
 DoCmd.Hourglass True 
 DoCmd.Hourglass False 
 End If 
End Sub

See Also


Report Object Members

Report Object