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Shape.LayoutInCell Property

Word Developer Reference

Returns a Long that represents whether a shape in a table is displayed inside or outside the table.



expression   Required. A variable that represents a Shape object.


True indicates that a specified picture is displayed inside the table. False indicates that a specified picture is displayed outside the table.

The LayoutInCell property corresponds to the Layout in table cell option in the Advanced Layout dialog box for picture formatting.

Bb256131.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
Setting the LayoutInCell property will take effect only if the Type property of the WrapFormat object is set to something other than wdWrapTypeInline or wdWrapTypeNone.


The following example disables the Layout in table cell option for the first shape in the active document. This example assumes that the specified shape is within a table and is not an inline shape.

Visual Basic for Applications
  ActiveDocument.Shapes(1).LayoutInCell = False

See Also