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EmailOptions Object

Word Developer Reference

Contains global application-level attributes used by Microsoft Word when you create and edit e-mail messages and replies.


Use the EmailOptions property to return the EmailOptions object.

This example changes the font color of the default style used to compose new e-mail messages.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Application.EmailOptions.ComposeStyle.Font.Color = _

This example sets Word to mark comments in e-mail messages with the initials "WK."

Visual Basic for Applications
  Application.EmailOptions.MarkCommentsWith = "WK"
Application.EmailOptions.MarkComments = True

This example changes the signatures Word appends to new outgoing e-mail messages and e-mail message replies.

Visual Basic for Applications
  With Application.EmailOptions.EmailSignature
    .NewMessageSignature = "Signature1"
    .ReplyMessageSignature = "Reply2"
End With

See Also