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MsoPresetTexture Enumeration

Office Developer Reference

Specifies texture to be used to fill a shape.

Name Value Description
msoPresetTextureMixed -2 Not used.
msoTextureBlueTissuePaper 17 Blue tissue paper texture.
msoTextureBouquet 20 Bouquet texture.
msoTextureBrownMarble 11 Brown marble texture.
msoTextureCanvas 2 Canvas texture.
msoTextureCork 21 Cork texture.
msoTextureDenim 3 Denim texture.
msoTextureFishFossil 7 Fish fossil texture.
msoTextureGranite 12 Granite texture.
msoTextureGreenMarble 9 Green marble texture.
msoTextureMediumWood 24 Medium wood texture.
msoTextureNewsprint 13 Newsprint texture.
msoTextureOak 23 Oak texture.
msoTexturePaperBag 6 Paper bag texture.
msoTexturePapyrus 1 Papyrus texture.
msoTextureParchment 15 Parchment texture.
msoTexturePinkTissuePaper 18 Pink tissue paper texture.
msoTexturePurpleMesh 19 Purple mesh texture.
msoTextureRecycledPaper 14 Recycled paper texture.
msoTextureSand 8 Sand texture.
msoTextureStationery 16 Stationery texture.
msoTextureWalnut 22 Walnut texture.
msoTextureWaterDroplets 5 Water droplets texture.
msoTextureWhiteMarble 10 White marble texture.
msoTextureWovenMat 4 Woven mat texture.