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mailMergeElt complexType [Word 2003 XML Reference] --  Microsoft Office Word 2003 XML Software Development Kit

mailMergeElt complexType [Word 2003 XML Reference]

Defines the collection of settings for a mail-merge operation.

Type Information

Schema name XML Document 2003

Elements and Attributes

Child Elements

Element Description
mainDocumentType Specifies a mail-merge main document type. The main document is the document that contains information that is the same for each version of the merged document -- for example, the return address in a form letter.
linkToQuery Specifies whether a mail-merge main document contains a query to its data source. If specified, the mail-merge document does not link to the data source by means of Microsoft Query.
dataType Specifies the type of mail-merge data source (such as an Excel spreadsheet or Access database) and the method of data access (for example, by means of ODBC or DDE).
defaultSQL Specifies whether the mail merge will use the default SQL query string.
connectString Represents the connection string used to open an external data source.
query Contains the query that is run against the data source.
dataSource Specifies the path to the mail-merge data source.
headerSource Specifies the path to the mail-merge header source.
doNotSuppressBlankLines Causes Word not to print blank lines when a data field is empty.
destination Specifies the output of a mail merge.
addressFieldName Contains the name of the data field with the destination e-mail or fax address.
mailSubject Contains the text that appears in the subject line of the mail-merge destination e-mail or fax.
mailAsAttachment Sends the merged document to e-mail recipients as an attachment.
viewMergedData Specifies that merge data is displayed.
activeRecord Specifies the active record that a main mail-merge document displays.
checkErrors Specifies which mail-merge error checking and reporting option runs. 1) Simulate the merge and report errors in a new document. 2) (default) Complete the merge, pausing to report each error as it occurs. 3) Complete the merge without pausing; report errors in a new document.
odso Contains settings related to the Office Data Source Object.




<xsd:complexType name="mailMergeElt" >
    <xsd:element name="mainDocumentType" type="mailMergeDocTypeProperty" minOccurs="1">
    <xsd:element name="linkToQuery" type="onOffProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="dataType" type="mailMergeDataTypeProperty" minOccurs="1">
    <xsd:element name="defaultSQL" type="onOffProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="connectString" type="stringProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="query" type="stringProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="dataSource" type="stringProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="headerSource" type="stringProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="doNotSuppressBlankLines" type="onOffProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="destination" type="mailMergeDestProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="addressFieldName" type="stringProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="mailSubject" type="stringProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="mailAsAttachment" type="onOffProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="viewMergedData" type="onOffProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="activeRecord" type="decimalNumberProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="checkErrors" type="decimalNumberProperty" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element name="odso" type="odsoElt" minOccurs="0">

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