.gif) |
ActiveConferenceService |
Obsolete. Represents a service that the participant may be using and indicates whether the service is active. |
.gif) |
AddToDefaultRoutingOptions |
Represents the options to customize adding an endpoint to the MCU default routing. |
.gif) |
ApplicationEndpoint |
ApplicationEndpoint is a specialization of LocalEndpoint for communication on behalf of services and applications. |
.gif) |
ApplicationEndpointOwnerPropertiesChangedEventArgs |
Represents owner properties that have changed on an endpoint. |
.gif) |
ApplicationEndpointPresenceServices |
.gif) |
ApplicationEndpointPresenceSettings |
Represents the automatic presence publishing information and settings for RemotePresenceView. |
.gif) |
ApplicationEndpointSettings |
Represents the settings needed to initialize an ApplicationEndpoint. |
.gif) |
ApplicationEndpointSettingsDiscoveredEventArgs |
Represents the information received when an application endpoint owner is discovered. |
.gif) |
ApplicationTopologyData |
Represents topology information related to the application. |
.gif) |
AutoAcceptNeededEventArgs |
AutoAcceptNeededEventArgs is the event argument for the AutoAcceptNeeded event in InstantMessagingCall and ConferenceInvitation. |
.gif) |
BackToBackCall |
Represents a logical SIP network element that resides between two Calls to mediate SIP signaling between both ends of the call. |
.gif) |
BackToBackCallSettings |
Represents the settings for one call leg for a BackToBackCall instance. |
.gif) |
BackToBackCallStateChangedEventArgs |
Represents the information associated with a BackToBackCall state transition. |
.gif) |
BackToBackCallTerminateOptions |
Optional parameters for terminating the BackToBackCall. |
.gif) |
Call |
.gif) |
CallAcceptOptions |
Optional parameters for accepting the incoming call. |
.gif) |
CallDeclineOptions |
Optional parameters for declining the incoming call. |
.gif) |
CallDialogContext |
Represents information specific to a dialog. |
.gif) |
CallEstablishOptions |
Optional parameter for establishing the call. |
.gif) |
CallForwardOptions |
Optional parameter for forwarding the call. |
.gif) |
CallForwardReceivedEventArgs |
Represents information received when a call is forwarded by the remote endpoint. |
.gif) |
CallMessageData |
Represents protocol requests and responses relevant to the operation that completed. |
.gif) |
CallMessageReceivedEventArgs |
Represents the information associated with a message received on Call. |
.gif) |
CallOperationFailureException |
Defines the exception to capture error conditions associated with call failures. |
.gif) |
CallOrbit |
Represents orbit details for parking and retrieving a call. |
.gif) |
CallParkOptions |
Optional parameters for parking the call. |
.gif) |
CallParkResponseData |
Represents response data associated with the call park operation. |
.gif) |
CallParticipantEndpointProperties |
Represents the properties of the call remote endpoint. |
.gif) |
CallProvisionalResponseOptions |
Optional parameter for sending the provisional response on incoming call. |
.gif) |
CallProvisionalResponseReceivedEventArgs |
Represents information associated with the reception of a provisional response (advanced usage.) |
.gif) |
CallReceivedEventArgs<TCall> |
Contains information regarding an incoming call. |
.gif) |
CallReceivedEventArgsBase |
Contains information regarding an incoming call. |
.gif) |
CallSendMessageRequestOptions |
Optional parameters for sending message request in a call. |
.gif) |
CallSendMessageResponseOptions |
Optional parameters for sending response for incoming message request in a call. |
.gif) |
CallStateChangedEventArgs |
Represents the information associated with a Call state transition. |
.gif) |
CallTerminateOptions |
Optional parameters for terminating the call. |
.gif) |
CallTransferNotificationOptions |
Optional parameters for sending explicit transfer notifications. |
.gif) |
CallTransferOptions |
Optional parameters for transfering the call. |
.gif) |
CallTransferReceivedEventArgs |
Represents information associated with the reception of a transfer. |
.gif) |
ClientPlatformSettings |
Represents the settings typically used for creating a client platform instance. |
.gif) |
CollaborationPlatform |
Represents an instance of the SIP stack. |
.gif) |
CommandFailureReasons |
Constants defining known command failure codes. |
.gif) |
ComposingStateChangedEventArgs |
Event arguments that contain the data related to composing state of the remote participant. on the InstantMessagingCall. |
.gif) |
Conference |
Full conference information. |
.gif) |
ConferenceCommandOptions |
Represents common options that an application can set to customize a specific conference command. |
.gif) |
ConferenceCommandResponse |
Contains basic information about a completed command. |
.gif) |
ConferenceFailureException |
Defines the exception to capture error conditions associated with conference commands. |
.gif) |
ConferenceInvitation |
Receives and responds to an invitation to join a conference. |
.gif) |
ConferenceInvitationAcceptOptions |
A data struture containing options which can be applied when accepting a ConferenceInvitation. |
.gif) |
ConferenceInvitationDeclineOptions |
A data structure containing options which can be applied when declining a ConferenceInvitation. |
.gif) |
ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions |
Optional parameter for delivering a conference invitation. |
.gif) |
ConferenceInvitationDialOutOptions |
Options to be used when a ConferenceInvitation falls back to a dial-out from the conference. |
.gif) |
ConferenceInvitationReceivedEventArgs |
Data structure containing the arguments for the ConferenceInvitationReceivedevent. |
.gif) |
ConferenceInvitationResponse |
Contains the remote participant’s response to the conference invitation. |
.gif) |
ConferenceInvitationSettings |
Captures the initial ConferenceInvitation settings. |
.gif) |
ConferenceInvitationStateChangedEventArgs |
ConferenceInvitationStateChangedEventArgs is the event argument for the StateChanged event. |
.gif) |
ConferenceJoinInformation |
Obsolete. This class will be removed from future versions. Instead, use ConferenceJoinOptions to customize joining a conference. Contains information to customize joining a conference. |
.gif) |
ConferenceJoinOptions |
Contains options to customize joining a conference. |
.gif) |
ConferenceParticipantEndpointProperties |
Reports property values for participant endpoints with the focus. |
.gif) |
ConferenceSession |
ConferenceSession enables an application to join a conference and perform other operations related to an activated conference. |
.gif) |
ConferenceSessionExtendedProperties |
Represents extended properties of the conference. |
.gif) |
ConferenceSessionProperties |
Properties of the conference. |
.gif) |
ConferencingCapabilities |
Conferencing capabilities. |
.gif) |
Conversation |
Represents a multi-party, multi-modal call contexts between a local participant and one or more remote participants. |
.gif) |
ConversationChangedEventArgs |
Represents the information supplied when a call is moved to a derived Conversation. |
.gif) |
ConversationContextChannel |
Represents a channel to communicate with a custom application running on remote endpoint. |
.gif) |
ConversationContextChannelDataReceivedEventArgs |
Represents the data received on a ConversationContextChannel. |
.gif) |
ConversationContextChannelEstablishOptions |
Represents optional parameters for establishing a ConversationContextChannel. |
.gif) |
ConversationContextChannelStateChangedEventArgs |
Represents the information associated with a ConversationContextChannel state transition. |
.gif) |
ConversationParticipant |
Represents a participant in the conversation. |
.gif) |
ConversationParticipantProperties |
Represents the properties of a conversation used for property changed event. |
.gif) |
ConversationPriority |
Conversation Priority values. |
.gif) |
ConversationProperties |
Represents the properties of a conversation used for property changed event. |
.gif) |
ConversationSettings |
Represents settings that can be applied when creating a conversation. |
.gif) |
ConversationTerminateOptions |
Represents optional parameters for terminating the conversation. |
.gif) |
DeliveryNotificationReceivedEventArgs |
Provides information regarding delivery status of a previously sent message. |
.gif) |
DiversionContext |
This class represents information available in an incoming call that indicates the forwarding parties before the call was received. |
.gif) |
DivertedDestination |
This class provides information regarding a diverted destination for an incoming call. |
.gif) |
EjectOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize modifying the ejection of a participant. |
.gif) |
EscalateToConferenceRequestedEventArgs |
Data structure containing the arguments for the EscalateToConferenceRequested event. |
.gif) |
InstantMessageId |
Provides a unique identification (ID) for an instant message. |
.gif) |
InstantMessageReceivedEventArgs |
Gets the data in an incoming message from the conversation. |
.gif) |
InstantMessagingCall |
InstantMessagingCall is the class that supports instant messaging-based communication. |
.gif) |
InstantMessagingFlow |
.gif) |
InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequestedEventArgs |
Represents EventArgs for the InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested event. |
.gif) |
InstantMessagingFlowProperties |
Represents properties for instant messaging flow. |
.gif) |
InstantMessagingFlowPropertiesChangedEventArgs |
Represents information received when the properties of an InstantMessagingFlow instance changes. |
.gif) |
InstantMessagingFlowTemplate |
Represents settings for an InstantMessagingFlow instance. |
.gif) |
InstantMessagingMcuParticipantEndpointProperties |
Class to hold properties for participants joined to the Instant Messaging MCU. |
.gif) |
InstantMessagingMcuSession |
Allows requests to be made to the Instant Messaging MCU. |
.gif) |
InstantMessagingMediaCapabilities |
Represents instant messaging media capabilities. |
.gif) |
InviteParticipantUpdateEventArgs |
Obsolete. This class will be removed from future versions. Data structure containing the arguments for the InviteRemoteParticipantUpdate event. |
.gif) |
LobbyAdmitOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize admitting lobby participants into a conference. |
.gif) |
LobbyDenyOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize denying lobby participants admission into the conference. |
.gif) |
LobbyManager |
Represents operations that a conference leader can perform with respect to the lobby and lobby participants. |
.gif) |
LobbyOperationResponse |
Represents the results of admitting or denying lobby participants. |
.gif) |
LobbyParticipantAttendanceChangedEventArgs |
Represents information about participants who land into the conference lobby and participants who were admitted into the conference from the lobby or who left the lobby. |
.gif) |
LocalEndpoint |
Represents an endpoint used by the current application to communicate and collaborate with other endpoints. |
.gif) |
LocalEndpointPresenceServices |
Represents the base class which provide presence services related to publication of local presence data and subscription to remote presentities. |
.gif) |
LocalEndpointSettings |
Represents the base type for settings needed to initialize an LocalEndpoint. |
.gif) |
LocalEndpointStateChangedEventArgs |
Represents the information associated with a LocalEndpoint state transition. |
.gif) |
LockConferenceOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize locking a conference. |
.gif) |
McuDialInOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize when dialing-out to a participant through a MCU. |
.gif) |
McuDialOutOptions |
MCU Dial-out options. |
.gif) |
McuInformation |
Describes an allocated conference MCU address. |
.gif) |
McuMediaChannel |
Represents a media for an MCU or Endpoint. |
.gif) |
McuSession |
Encapsulates common MCU operations and events. |
.gif) |
McuSessionProperties |
Used to communicate parsed MCU properties in an MCU implementation. |
.gif) |
McuTransferOptions |
MCU Transfer options. |
.gif) |
MediaChannelEstablishmentData |
Represents Media channel establishment data. This class provides establishment details about a particular media channel. |
.gif) |
MediaFlowStateChangedEventArgs |
EventArgs for MediaFlow.StateChanged event. |
.gif) |
MediaTroubleshootingDataReportedEventArgs |
This class provides media troubleshooting information that can be used for monitoring purposes. |
.gif) |
MediaType |
The names of common media types. |
.gif) |
MessageDeliveryFailureData |
Provides information regarding delivery failure of a previously sent message to a specific participant. |
.gif) |
MimePartContentDescription |
Represents a part of a MIME body of a SIP message. A part can represent SDP part or a custom part or a mime/alternative part or a mime/mixed part of a mime body. |
.gif) |
ModifyConferenceConfigurationOptions |
Represents options to customize the operation of modifying a conference configuration. |
.gif) |
ModifyRoleOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize modifying the role of another conference participant. |
.gif) |
OfferAnswerException |
Indicates reason for offer/answer exception. |
.gif) |
ParticipantAttendanceChangedEventArgs |
Represents information regarding participants that get added or removed in a conversation or conference or MCU. |
.gif) |
ParticipantEndpoint |
Represents an endpoint for a participant in the conversation. |
.gif) |
ParticipantEndpointAttendanceChangedEventArgs<TProperties> |
.gif) |
ParticipantEndpointPropertiesChangedEventArgs<TProperties> |
.gif) |
ParticipantPropertiesChangedEventArgs |
Represents information about updated properties for a conversation participant. |
.gif) |
ParticipantPropertiesChangedEventArgs<TProperties> |
.gif) |
PlatformExtension |
Class which holds common functionality for all extensions to the platform. |
.gif) |
PlatformExtensionType |
The list of supported extension types |
.gif) |
PreferredServiceCapabilities |
Specifies what should be the initial device capabilities of the endpoint. |
.gif) |
PresenceSettings |
Represents the presence settings that must be used during endpoint establishment. |
.gif) |
PropertiesChangedEventArgs<TProperties> |
Represents properties that have changed on an object. |
.gif) |
ProvisionedApplicationPlatformSettings |
Represents the settings needed to create an automatically provisioned server platform. |
.gif) |
ProvisioningFailedEventArgs |
Represents the information received when a failure occurs in applying or accessing provisioning information. |
.gif) |
ProvisioningFailureException |
Defines the exception to be thrown when auto provisioning fails. |
.gif) |
RemoteMediaFlowStateChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event argument for RemoteMediaFlowStateChanged event in back to back call. |
.gif) |
RemoteParticipantChangedEventArgs |
Represents the information received when the remote participant of the call changes. |
.gif) |
RemoveFromDefaultRoutingOptions |
Represents the options to customize removing an endpoint from the MCU default routing. |
.gif) |
RePublishingRequiredEventArgs |
Defines EventsArgs to be passed for republishing a required event raised by local endpoint. |
.gif) |
SdpAnswer |
SdpAnswer, contains the Sdp answer message being send out or receceived from remote endpoint. |
.gif) |
SdpContentDescription |
SdpContentDescription class contains the contentId and content type and content body. |
.gif) |
SdpOffer |
SdpOffer, contains the sdp offer message received from the remote endpoint or sdp offer being send to the remote endpoint. |
.gif) |
SendInstantMessageResult |
Represents the result of sending an instant message to remote participants in a conversation. |
.gif) |
ServerPlatformSettings |
.gif) |
TerminationCountdownStatusChangedEventArgs |
Represents information about the status of automatic conference termination. |
.gif) |
ToastMessage |
Represents the toast message that can be sent along with an INVITE. |
.gif) |
TopologyConfiguration |
Represents various topology configuration data. |
.gif) |
TransferStateChangedEventArgs |
Represents the information associated with the status of a transfer accepted by the remote endpoint. |
.gif) |
TrustedDomain |
This class represents a domain and its type. |
.gif) |
UnlockConferenceOptions |
Represents options that an application can use to customize unlocking a conference. |
.gif) |
UserEndpoint |
UserEndpoint is a specialization of LocalEndpoint for communication on behalf of information workers. |
.gif) |
UserEndpointPresenceServices |
This class provides common presence services for UserEndpoint. |
.gif) |
UserEndpointSettings |
Represents the settings needed to initialize a User endpoint. |
.gif) |
UserPresenceSettings |
Represents the automatic presence publishing information and settings for RemotePresenceView. |