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RemotePresence Members

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Enables the owner endpoint to subscribe to the presence of other unified communications entities identified by their SIP URIs.

The RemotePresence type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property PresenceSubscriptionCategories This property will be removed from future versions. Instead use PresenceSettings.RemotePresenceSubscritionCategories. Gets or sets the list of categories to subscribe for. Categories that are subscribed to by default are: "contactCard", "note", "state", "services", "calendarData".
Public property SubscriberEndpoint Gets the instance of associated local endpoint.



  Name Description
Public method BeginAddTargets Begins an asynchronous operation to add a target in the subscription dispatcher and to start the subscription for the given target.
Public method BeginPresenceQuery Begins a presence query request for a given list of targets for the given set of presence categories.
Public method BeginRefresh Begins an asynchronous operation to refresh the notifications.
Public method BeginRemoveAllTargets Begins an asynchronous operation to unsubscribe to all existing subscriptions that are not already terminating.
Public method BeginRemoveTarget Begins an asynchronous operation to unsubscribe to a target.
Public method EndAddTargets Ends the asynchronous operation started by BeginAddTargets(ICollection<RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget>, AsyncCallback, Object).
Public method EndPresenceQuery Ends the asynchronous operation initiated by the BeginPresenceQuery.
Public method EndRefresh Ends the asynchronous operation started by BeginRefresh(AsyncCallback, Object).
Public method EndRemoveAllTargets Ends the asynchronous operation started by BeginRemoveAllTargets(AsyncCallback, Object).
Public method EndRemoveTarget Ends the asynchronous operation started by BeginRemoveTarget(String, AsyncCallback, Object).
Public method Equals (inherited from Object)
Protected method Finalize (inherited from Object)
Public method GetCurrentSubscriptionState Gets the current subscription state for a given target.
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
Public method GetType (inherited from Object)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
Public method ToString (inherited from Object)



  Name Description
Public event PresenceNotificationReceived Raised when presence state changes for any target on the subscription.
Public event PresenceSubscriptionStateChanged Raised when subscription state changes for any target.


See Also


RemotePresence Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.Presence Namespace