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EndpointTransitionReason Enumeration

Indicates possible reasons for state transitions.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling
Assembly:  Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration (in Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.dll)


Public Enumeration EndpointTransitionReason
Dim instance As EndpointTransitionReason
public enum EndpointTransitionReason


Member name Description
None No reason or unknown reason.
TerminatedLocally The local application requested the termination.
NoListeningAddresses There are no remaining listening addresses.
UnableToListen Unable to listen for incoming invitations.
TooManyActiveEndpoint The number of active endpoints exceeds the limit.
UserChanged The user has been changed.
UserMoved The user has been moved.
Timeout There was a timeout during initialization.
UnauthorizedAccess The credentials may be valid but are for a different URI. The application may wish to reprompt for credentials and the URI, or fail based on its requirements.
Credentials If credentials were specified, the password may be invalid or other problems with the credentials occurred. If default credentials were used, credentials are required. The application supplies new credentials to try again. This may mean prompting the user, depending on the application.
Authentication A fatal authentication error occurred. Examples may be that clocks are out of sync on the client and server when using Kerberos, or a server could not be contacted.
ConnectionFailure Unable to connect to a remote computer due to DNS or network issues. May possibly reprompt for server name, or peer address and port number, as appropriate.
Listening The application enabled listening.
StoppedListening The application stopped listening.

See Also


Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling Namespace