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Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.AudioVideo Namespace


  Class Description
Public class AudioChannel Represents an audio channel.
Public class AudioChannelTemplate Audio Channel Template.
Public class AudioControl Represents the entities in AudioVideoFlow that relate to audio.
Public class AudioControlTemplate Audio Control Template.
Public class AudioRoute Represents basic information about an audio route.
Public class AudioVideoCall AudioVideoCall class is the class which supports the audio-based and video-based communication.
Public class AudioVideoCallEstablishOptions Represents optional parameters for establishing an audio-video call.
Public class AudioVideoCallTransferReceivedEventArgs Represents the event argument for handling transfer received event.
Public class AudioVideoFlow AudioVideoFlow represents media connection with single remote participant.
Public class AudioVideoFlowConfigurationChangedEventArgs Represents information received when the configuration of an AudioVideoFlow instance changes.
Public class AudioVideoFlowConfigurationRequestedEventArgs Represents the event argument for the "AudioVideoFlowConfigurationRequested" event in audio video call.
Public class AudioVideoFlowTemplate The AudioVideoFlowTemplate is used to configure changes that must be made on AudioVideoFlow.
Public class AudioVideoMcuDialInOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize when dialing-in to an audio-video MCU.
Public class AudioVideoMcuDialOutOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize when dialing-out to a participant through audio-video MCU.
Public class AudioVideoMcuParticipantEndpointProperties Represents properties for participants joined to the Audio Video MCU.
Public class AudioVideoMcuRouting Represents the controls that can be used to configure audio routing at the audio-video MCU between participants.
Public class AudioVideoMcuSession Allows requests to be made to the Audio-Video MCU.
Public class AudioVideoMcuSessionProperties Represents properties for the AudioVideoMcuSession.
Public class AudioVideoSettings Global configuration of audio/video platform. Application can define detailed platform attributes.
Public class CodecCollection<T> Public codec collection. Used to define the global audio codecs policy.
Public class DisableMuteAllModeOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize disabling the mute-all mode.
Public class EnableMuteAllModeOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize enabling the mute-all mode.
Public class IncomingAudioRoute Represents the remote source of incoming audio.
Public class IncomingFaxDetectedEventArgs Represents event arguments forwarded by ToneController to notify that a fax tone was detected.
Public class MediaChannel Represents a media channel base class. Objects that identify a media channel must extend this class.
Public class MediaChannelTemplate Media Channel Template.
Public class MediaSink MediaSink is an abstract class that defines the interface used by the Recorder class to buffer media when an audio or video session is being recorded.
Public class MediaSource The MediaSource class is the base class for all media sources and provides an encapsulation for all media.
Public class ModifyAttendanceAnnouncementOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize modifying attendance announcements.
Public class MuteOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize muting itself or other endpoints.
Public class NetworkPortRange Available audio/video communication port range.
Public class OutgoingAudioRoute Represents a remote sink (recipient) of the outgoing audio.
Public class Player The Player class represents an entity capable of playing media.
Public class PlayerStateChangedEventArgs Represents information received when a player's state changes.
Public class QualityOfService Available audio/video Quality of Service (QoS).
Public class ReadOnlyDictionary<K, V> Represents a generic read-only collection of key/value pairs.
Public class Recorder The Recorder class represents an entity that is capable of recording media.
Public class RecorderStateChangedEventArgs Represents information received when the recorder's state changes.
Public class SpeechRecognitionConnector SpeechRecognitionConnector can be bound to an AudioVideoFlow, and provides a stream of audio data compatible with Microsoft.Speech.
Public class SpeechRecognitionStream A Stream implementation, for consumption by Microsoft.Speech, which is backed by Real-time Protocol (RTP) data received by an AudioVideoFlow instance.
Public class SpeechSynthesisConnector SpeechSynthesisConnector can be attached to an AudioVideoFlow, and provides a Stream interface to feed audio data to the flow.
Public class ToneController The ToneController class handles telephony tone communication between an AudioVideoFlow instance and a remote application.
Public class ToneControllerEventArgs Represents event arguments forwarded by ToneController to notify that a new tone has been received.
Public class UnmuteOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize un-muting itself or other endpoints.
Public class VoiceActivityChangedEventArgs Represents information received when recorder detects a change in voice state.
Public class WmaFileSink The WmaFileSink class is used for recording to a WMA file.
Public class WmaFileSource The WmaFileSource class is a WMA-specific MediaSource subclass.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AudioFormat Audio format options for a Sink.
Public enumeration AudioSamplingRate Enumerated type that identifies the audio sampling rate.
Public enumeration ChannelLabel Enumerated type that identifies the type of the channels.
Public enumeration HoldType Defines the type of hold AudioVideoFlow should use.
Public enumeration MediaChannelDirection Enumerated type of audio/video channel status.
Public enumeration MediaEncryption Enumerated type of encryption.
Public enumeration MediaSourceOpenMode The open mode for MediaSource, either Buffered or Unbuffered.
Public enumeration MuteAllMode Represents various mute all modes
Public enumeration MuteDirection Enumerated type that defines the mute direction.
Public enumeration PlaybackSpeed The speed of the player.
Public enumeration PlayerMode The current mode of the player.
Public enumeration PlayerState Describes the state of the Player object.
Public enumeration PlayerStateTransitionReason Reasons for player state changes.
Public enumeration RecorderState The recorder's state.
Public enumeration RouteUpdateOperation Represents possible route update operations.
Public enumeration SelfUnmuteAssignment Represents various self unmute assignments to participants.
Public enumeration ToneId Supported tone IDs.
Public enumeration TonePolicy Represents the Tone Policy.
Public enumeration WmaEncodingFormat Wma encoding format.