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Step 1: Adding Main Menu Choices

This is the first of three topics describing the steps to create the Author an IM Agent for Information Access walkthrough application. This sequence of topics demonstrates how the instant messaging (IM) capabilities of communications workflow activities are used to create an IM agent for basic information access. The procedures for creating the walkthrough application build sequentially. Completing the procedures in sequence is important.

Recognizing Main Menu Choices

As shown in the following procedures, to create an IM agent for basic information access:

  • Add activities that generate welcome statement and main menu choices.

  • Create a grammar that recognizes the user’s menu selection.

  • Attach a grammar to the InstantMessagingQuestionAnswerActivity activity.

To recognize main menu choices

  1. In Visual Studio, create a new Inbound Sequential Workflow Console Application (with Code Separation) project.

  2. In the Visual Studio Toolbox, expand Unified Communications Workflow to display workflow activities.

  3. Drag and drop an InstantMessagingStatement activity from the Toolbox onto the design surface in communicationsSequenceActivity1 above disconnectCallActivity1.

  4. Rename instantMessagingStatementActivity1 to promptWelcome.

  5. Set the MainPrompt property for promptWelcome to Welcome to Contoso, Limited.

  6. Drag and drop an InstantMessagingQuestionAnswer activity from the Toolbox onto the design surface between promptWelcome and disconnectCallActivity1.

  7. Rename instantMessagingQuestionAnswerActivity1 to qaMainMenu.

  8. Set the MainPrompt property for qaMainMenu to Which team do you want? Government, Corporate, or Academic?

  9. Specify user inputs so that qaMainMenu recognizes the words corporate, government, and academic. For more information, see Authoring Grammars.

See Also


Walkthrough: Author an IM Agent for Information Access