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GetPostingURL Message

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Gets the URL that is to be used for all other API requests in one session.


Component Type

XML Element


Uses a special URL: "<your-conf-center>/xml/4.0/GetPostingURLRequest".





Live Meeting conference centers are hosted on computers other than where is hosted. HTTPS requests to the main conference center URL result in one or more redirections to other hosts. If an XML message, such as the ListMeetingsRequest element, sent through a POST method results in a redirection, some user agents react by sending a GET method to the new location. This is a problem for API clients, because the content of the API request is lost. The GetPostingURLRequest message provides a way for client applications to discover the endpoint of the redirection chain.

The Live Meeting service might, from time to time, need to change the computer on which a given conference center is hosted, thereby changing the redirection chain from the main conference center URL. Therefore, client applications should always rediscover the current posting URL at the beginning of each session. For applications that run continuously for hours, it is best to check the posting URL at least once per hour. The posting URL should also be checked if an error occurs attempting to communicate with the Live Meeting service or an HTTP redirect is received. The conference center responds to this request with a GetPostingURLReply element. This reply element contains the conference center URL to which all other requests must be posted.


The following example shows how to get the URL for the Contoso conference center using the special URL.


The following shows the reply from the request cited in the previous example.

    <GetPostingURLReply release="8.0.LM8-RC.3208.0" url=""/>

The rest of the API requests can be sent to the URL\_XML/contoso/xml/4.0 during this session.

See Also


GetPostingURLReply Element

Getting Posting URL

Getting the URL to Access a Conference Center with the Live Meeting service API