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TnefWriter Members

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The TnefWriter class produces a TNEF stream by writing attributes and properties.

The TnefWriter type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method TnefWriter(Stream, Int16) The TnefWriter constructor creates a new TnefWriter object with an attachment key specified by the attachmentKey parameter for output to the Stream parameter outputStream.
Public method TnefWriter(Stream, Int16, Int32) The TnefWriter constructor creates a new TnefWriter object.
Public method TnefWriter(Stream, Int16, Int32, TnefWriterFlags) The TnefWriter constructor creates a new TnefWriter object.



  Name Description
Public property MessageCodePage The MessageCodePage property returns an integer representing the code page used when writing data to the Stream object that this TnefWriter object owns.



  Name Description
Public method Close The Close method closes this TnefWriter object and the stream that it owns.
Public method Dispose()
Protected method Dispose(Boolean) Releases the unmanaged resources used by the TnefWriter and optionally releases the managed resources.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Flush The Flush method flushes any buffered data to the stream that this TnefWriter object owns.
Public method GetEmbeddedMessageWriter() The GetEmbeddedMessageWriter method returns a TnefWriter object that can be used to write an embedded message.
Public method GetEmbeddedMessageWriter(Int32) The GetEmbeddedMessageWriter method returns a TnefWriter object that can be used to write an embedded message using the codepage specified by the messageCodePage parameter.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetRawPropertyValueWriteStream The GetRawPropertyValueWriteStream method returns a stream that can be used to write raw data to the property value.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method SetMessageCodePage The SetMessageCodePage method sets the code page used to write to the TNEF stream that this TnefWriter object owns.
Public method StartAttribute The StartAttribute method starts a new attribute in the stream that this TnefWriter object owns.
Public method StartProperty(TnefPropertyTag) The StartProperty method starts the property specified by the tag parameter in the TNEF stream that this TnefWriter object owns.
Public method StartProperty(TnefPropertyTag, Guid, Int32) The StartProperty method starts a named property.
Public method StartProperty(TnefPropertyTag, Guid, String) The StartProperty method starts a named property in the current attribute or row.
Public method StartPropertyValue The StartPropertyValue method starts a property value.
Public method StartRow The StartRow method starts a new row in a RecipientTable attribute.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method WriteAllProperties The WriteAllProperties method writes all properties in the TnefPropertyReader parameter reader to the output stream owned by this TnefWriter object.
Public method WriteAttribute The WriteAttribute method writes the current attribute in the TnefReader parameter reader to the output stream owned by this TnefWriter object.
Public method WriteAttributeRawValue The WriteAttributeRawValue method reads a raw value from the byte parameter and writes it to the output stream owned by this TnefWriter object.
Public method WriteOemCodePage The WriteOemCodePage method writes a standard TNEF OemCodePage attribute.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyReader) The WriteProperty method reads the current property from the TnefPropertyReader parameter propertyReader and writes it to the output stream that this TnefWriter object owns.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, Boolean) The WriteProperty method writes a property identified by the tag parameter with the Boolean value specified by the value parameter.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, []) The WriteProperty method writes a property identified by the tag parameter with the raw value specified by the value parameter.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, DateTime) The WriteProperty method writes a property identified by the tag parameter with the DateTime value specified by the value parameter.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, Double) The WriteProperty method writes a property identified by the tag parameter with the double value specified by the value parameter.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, Guid) The WriteProperty method writes a property identified by the tag parameter with the GUID value specified by the value parameter.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, Int16) The WriteProperty method writes a property identified by the tag parameter with the short integer value specified by the value parameter.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, Int32) The WriteProperty method writes a property identified by the tag parameter with the integer value specified by the value parameter.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, Int64) The WriteProperty method writes a property identified by the tag parameter with the long integer value specified by the value parameter.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, Stream) The WriteProperty method writes a property identified by the tag parameter with the value contained in the value parameter.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, TextReader) The WriteProperty method writes a property identified by the tag parameter with the value contained in the value parameter.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, Object) The WriteProperty method writes a property identified by the tag parameter with the value specified by the value parameter.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, Single) The WriteProperty method writes a property identified by the tag parameter with the floating point value specified by the value parameter.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, String) The WriteProperty method writes a property identified by the tag parameter with the value specified by the value parameter.
Public method WriteProperty(TnefPropertyTag, Guid, Stream) The WriteProperty method writes an object property.
Public method WritePropertyRawValue The WritePropertyRawValue method writes a raw property value from a byte array.
Public method WritePropertyTextValue The WritePropertyTextValue method reads a text property value from a character array and writes it to the stream that this TnefWriter object owns.
Public method WritePropertyValue(Boolean) The WritePropertyValue method writes a Boolean property value to the stream that this TnefWriter object owns.
Public method WritePropertyValue([]) The WritePropertyValue method writes the value contained in the value parameter and then ends it.
Public method WritePropertyValue(DateTime) The WritePropertyValue method writes a DateTime value and then ends it.
Public method WritePropertyValue(Double) The WritePropertyValue method writes a double precision floating point value and then ends it.
Public method WritePropertyValue(Guid) The WritePropertyValue method writes a GUID value and then ends it.
Public method WritePropertyValue(Int16) The WritePropertyValue method writes a short integer value and then ends it.
Public method WritePropertyValue(Int32) The WritePropertyValue method writes an integer property value and then ends it.
Public method WritePropertyValue(Int64) The WritePropertyValue method writes a long integer property value and then ends it.
Public method WritePropertyValue(Stream) The WritePropertyValue method reads bytes from the stream parameter, writes them to the output stream that this TnefWriter object owns, and ends the property value.
Public method WritePropertyValue(TextReader) The WritePropertyValue method reads text from the reader parameter, writes it to the TNEF stream that this TnefWriter object owns, and then ends the property value.
Public method WritePropertyValue(Object) The WritePropertyValue method writes and object as a property value and then ends it.
Public method WritePropertyValue(Single) The WritePropertyValue method writes a single precision floating point value as a property value and then ends it.
Public method WritePropertyValue(String) The WritePropertyValue method writes a string to a property value and then ends it.
Public method WritePropertyValue(Guid, Stream) The WritePropertyValue method writes an object property value and ends it.
Public method WriteTnefVersion The WriteTnefVersion method writes the standard preamble TNEF version parameter.
