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Implementing an OnTimer Event Sink

Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-12

The following code handles and logs the OnTimer system event. See Store Event Sink Bit Flags for more information.


Visual Basic

Private Sub IExStoreSystemEvents_OnTimer(ByVal bstrURLItem As String, ByVal lFlags As Long)

    Dim FSO         As Object
    Dim EvtLog      As String
    Dim EvtFile

'Log file
    EvtLog = Environ("SystemDrive") & "\OnTimer.log"

'Creates new log file %SystemDrive%\OnTimer.log or opens it if exists
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set EvtFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(EvtLog, 8, True)

'Append incoming event info into log file
    EvtFile.WriteLine ("[VB Event Sink]          OnTimer()")
    EvtFile.WriteLine ("  lFlags:                " & "0x" & Hex(lFlags))

    EvtFile.WriteBlankLines (1)

'Before Quit
    Set FSO = Nothing

End Sub