Publishing an Appointment
Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-11
When you publish an appointment, the appointment is available to others without requiring a response from them. For example, you can publish your company s holidays, charity drives, and upcoming conferences.
You can save a published appointment to a public folder or a file, or you can send a published appointment by e-mail. Published appointments have no attendees.
To publish an appointment
- Create an Appointment object.
- Set the properties of the appointment.
- Create a CalendarMessage object derived from the Appointment object by using the IAppointment.Publish method.
- Send the CalendarMessage by using the IMessage methods and save the Appointment object by using the IDataSource.SaveToContainer method.
In the following example, an organizer publishes an appointment to the team alias and saves it to the TeamCalendar public folder.
Visual Basic
' Reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library
' Reference to Microsoft CDO for Exchange 2000 Library
Sub PublishMeetingToFolder(iAppt As CDO.Appointment, _
iMbx As IMailbox, _
strTeamCalendarFolderURL As String, _
strTeamEmail As String)
Dim iCalMsg As CalendarMessage
Dim Config As New Configuration
Dim iPer As CDO.Person
Dim Conn As New ADODB.Connection
Conn.Provider = "ExOLEDB.DataSource"
'Set the configuration fields
Set iPer = iMbx
Config.Fields(cdoSendEmailAddress) = iPer.Email
Config.Fields(cdoMailboxURL) = iMbx.BaseFolder
With iAppt
Set .Configuration = Config
'Publish the appointment
' Get CalendarMessage and send to the team.
Set iCalMsg = .Publish
iCalMsg.Message.To = strTeamEmail
'Save the appointment to a public folder
Conn.Open strTeamCalendarFolderURL
.DataSource.SaveToContainer strTeamCalendarFolderURL, Conn
End With
End Sub
Assume that the following paths are in your
%CommonProgramFiles%\microsoft shared\cdo
#import <msado15.dll> no_namespace
#import <cdoex.dll> no_namespace
#include <iostream.h>
void publishAppointmentToFolder(
const IAppointmentPtr& iAppt,
const IMailboxPtr& iMbx,
const bstr_t& strTeamCalendarFolderURL,
const bstr_t& strTeamEmail)
ICalendarMessagePtr iCalMsg;
IConfigurationPtr iConf(__uuidof(Configuration));
IPersonPtr iPer;
_ConnectionPtr Conn(__uuidof(Connection));
Conn->Provider = "ExOLEDB.DataSource";
try {
iPer = iMbx;
catch(_com_error e ) {
cerr << "Invalid or unbound Person object reference passed. " << endl;
iConf->Fields->Item[cdoSendEmailAddress]->Value = variant_t(iPer->Email);
iConf->Fields->Item[cdoMailboxURL]->Value = variant_t(iMbx->BaseFolder);
iAppt->Configuration = iConf;
try {
iCalMsg = iAppt->Publish();
iCalMsg->Message->To = strTeamEmail;
// Save the appointment to a public folder
catch(_com_error e) {
cerr << "Failed to send e-mail to " << strTeamEmail << endl;
throw e;
try {
Conn->Open(strTeamCalendarFolderURL, bstr_t(), bstr_t(), -1);
catch(_com_error e) {
cerr << "Failed to save appointment to folder at URL: " << strTeamCalendarFolderURL << endl;
throw e;