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Getting a List of Folders (CDO)

Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-12

This example demonstrates how to get a list of folders within a folder. When constructing the Structured Query Language (SQL) query, you must require that the DAV:isfolder property is True and the DAV:ishidden property is False in the WHERE clause. For example:

select "DAV:displayname", "DAV:contentclass", "DAV:href" from
scope('shallow traversal of "/myfolders/myfolder"')
where "DAV:ishidden" = False AND
      "DAV:isfolder" = True

Note that a relative URL is used in the SCOPE portion of the SQL statement. Searches occur within the context of a connection to a particular public store or private store. Therefore, you need not use the entire URL in the query. The path is relative to the root folder for a public store, and "MBX" for a private store. The beginning forward slash is required. For example, the folder at the URL file://./backofficestorage/domain.tld/Public Folders/myfolders/myfolder can be referred to by using the relative URL /myfolders/myfolder; the path is anchored from the Public Folders root public store folder.




 Dim Conn
 Dim sUrl

 Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
 Conn.Provider = "ExOLEDB.DataSource"
 Conn.Open sUrl

 sUrl = "https://server/public/folder/"

 Dim Rs
 Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

 Dim sql
 sql = "select ""DAV:displayname"", ""DAV:contentclass"", ""DAV:href"" from"
 sql = sql & " scope('shallow traversal of """ & sUrl & """')"
 sql = sql & " where ""DAV:ishidden"" = False and ""DAV:isfolder"" = True"

 Rs.Open sql, Conn
 Set GetFolderList = Rs

' Close connection and recordset.

Set Conn = Nothing
Set Rs = Nothing



#import <msado15.dll> no_namespace

// Note: It is recommended that all input parameters be validated when they are
// first obtained from the user or user interface.
_RecordsetPtr getFolderList() {

   _ConnectionPtr Conn(__uuidof(Connection));
   _RecordsetPtr Rs(__uuidof(Recordset));
   bstr_t sFolderUrl = "https://server/public/folder/";

   Conn->Provider = "ExOLEDB.DataSource";
   try {
      Conn->Open(sFolderUrl, bstr_t(), bstr_t(),-1);
   catch(_com_error e) {

      // Handle error or throw...
      throw e;

   bstr_t sQuery = "select \"DAV:displayname\", \"DAV:contentclass\", \"DAV:href\" from ";
        sQuery += " scope ('shallow traversal of \""+ sFolderUrl + "\"')";
        sQuery += " where \"DAV:ishidden\" = False And \"DAV:isfolder\" = True";

   try {
            variant_t((IDispatch*)Conn, true),
   catch(_com_error e) {

      // Handle error or throw...
      throw e;

   // Close the connection.
   Conn = NULL;

   return Rs;
