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Search Folder Items

Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-12

When you create a search folder, you specify a Structured Query Language (SQL) command that the Exchange store uses to populate the folder with items. After the folder has been populated, links to all items that match your request are placed in the folder. Additionally, each item's complete set of properties is also available. Because of this, the list of properties you specify when creating the search folder does not limit which properties you can access or search for within the search folder itself. You can issue a PROPGET Method or a SEARCH Method for items in the folder in the normal way. The most important aspect of the SQL command used to construct the folder is the WHERE Clause condition.

If you issue The SELECT * Statement or a WebDAV PROPFIND Method (depth 1) with a scope that contains the search folder, you receive the properties defined by the original containing folder's schema. That is, the list of properties returned by The SELECT * Statement for a search folder is not controlled by the search folder's schema, but rather by the item's containing folder itself. This also holds true when you issue a PROPGET method. In summary, the normal schema rules for items in a folder still apply as if the items were being accessed in their actual containing folder.

You cannot add new items to a search folder manually. If you issue a PUT, POST, or normal MKCOL Method for an item in the search folder, the Exchange store returns an error. You can, however, nest-search folders.