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Appointment CoClass

Appointment CoClass

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release. Defines appointments, and provides methods and properties for sending, responding to, and managing them.





Type Library

Microsoft CDO for Exchange 2000 Library

Inproc Server


Threading Model


Implemented Interfaces

IAppointment Interface

IBodyPart Interface

IDataSource Interface

OLE DB Row Access

Supported Bindings

The following table lists IDataSource interface bindings.

Method Target Argument Content Class
Open Exchange store item URL

OpenObject IRow





SaveTo Exchange store item URL

SaveToContainer Exchange store folder URL

SaveToObject IRow







The IAppointment interface is used for creating appointments and for sending and responding to meeting requests. It contains methods that create a CalendarMessage CoClass object for encapsulating meeting requests and responses as a message. The CalendarMessage object provides access to the IMessage interface for Send and other methods. It also provides access to the ICalendarParts interface, which filters a message for body parts containing calendar content.

The IDataSource interface facilitates opening data from and saving data to other objects. The IBodyPart interface acts as the root of the hierarchy of Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) body parts in the message.

You can also use the Appointment object's GetNextInstance and GetFirstInstance methods to examine a recurring appointment. Use the Publish method to send an announcement of the meeting to recipients who need not respond.


[Visual Basic]

Function CreateAndSendMeeting(iMbx As CDO.IMailbox) As CDO.Appointment Dim iAppt As New Appointment Dim Config As New Configuration Dim iCalMsg As CalendarMessage Dim iAttn1 As Attendee Dim iMsg As CDO.Message

' Set the configuration fields. Config.Fields("CalendarLocation") = iMbx.Calendar Config.Fields(cdoSendEmailAddress) = "" Config.Fields.Update

With iAppt Set .Configuration = Config

' Set the appointment properties.
.StartTime = #8/20/1999 10:00:00 AM#
.EndTime = #8/20/1999 11:30:00 AM#
.Subject = "Department meeting"
.Location = "Executive Conference Room"

' Add a required attendee.
Set iAttn = .Attendees.Add
iAttn.Address = ""
iAttn.Role = cdoRequiredParticipant

' Add an optional attendee.
Set iAttn = .Attendees.Add
iAttn.Address = ""
iAttn.Role = cdoOptionalParticipant

' Create the calendar message and send it.
Set iCalMsg = .CreateRequest
Set iMsg = iCalMsg.Message

' Save the meeting to the calendar of the organizer.
.Datasource.SaveToContainer iMbx.Calendar

End With

Set CreateAndSendMeeting = iAppt

End Function

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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