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The HTTP: URL Scheme

The HTTP: URL Scheme

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

When you construct URLs by using the HTTP: URL scheme for use with the Exchange OLE DB (ExOLEDB) provider, you follow the same procedure as you would when accessing the item over the network using the HTTP protocol. The structure of the URL is as follows:


The following sections describe each component of the URL.


This is the local server name. You can use the local server's fully qualified domain name, but this is not required with the ExOLEDB provider. The Domain Name System (DNS) is not used to resolve this name into an Internet Protocol (IP) address, and the network is not used to access the item. The URL serves only to identify an item uniquely in the Exchange store on the local computer. Only URLs for items that reside in private or public stores on the same server can be used. You cannot access items in stores on remote servers by using the ExOLEDB provider.


This is the Exchange HTTP Virtual Server virtual directory mapped to the public folder. The following table shows the default virtual directory names for all private stores and the default public folder "Public Folders".

Virtual directory name Description
exchange All private mailboxes in any private store are available through this virtual directory.
public This virtual directory is mapped to the top public folder in the default public folder tree. The default public folder name is "Public Folders".

Each virtual path starts with an Exchange HTTP Virtual Server virtual directory name.


This is the virtual path to the item. The path is virtual because multiple Exchange virtual directories can exist as a hierarchy below the first Exchange virtual directory. Each virtual subdirectory can map to a non-contiguous public folder housed in any public store. If the subfolder is not an Exchange virtual directory, the path is identical to the physical hierarchy below the public folder.

Note  When you use HTTP: URLs with the ExOLEDB provider, you must specify the ExOLEDB provider binder explicitly when binding the item. This provider has the programmatic identifier "ExOLEDB.DataSource". The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing (MSDAIPP) is registered as the default provider for the HTTP: URL scheme. If you do not specify the ExOLEDB provider, the MSDAIPP provider attempts to service the request. This provider is not supported for use with CDO for Exchange 2000 Server (CDOEX), nor should it be used in server applications that need to scale.

The URLs in the following examples use the HTTP: scheme.

The URLs in the following table are examples of common file: URLs for a user's mailbox folders (English).

Folder URL
Sent Items


Note  The URLs in the preceding table are only examples. You should not construct them manually in your application. You can retrieve all of the URLs in a user's localized mailbox folder by using the IMailBox Interface on a Collaboration Data Objects (CDO)Person object or by retrieving properties, such as the inbox Field or calendar Field, on the base mailbox folder.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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