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ISearchResults Members

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The ISearchResults type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Ff398145.pubproperty(en-us,OCS.14).gif AllResults
Gets the array of IDispatch of all Contacts/Groups retrieved. You call IDispatch.QueryInterface to determine whether an individual instance of IDispatch in the SAFEARRAY is IContact or IGroup.
Ff398145.pubproperty(en-us,OCS.14).gif AllResultsWithAdditionInfo
Gets the array of ISearchResult of all Contacts/Groups retrieved.
Ff398145.pubproperty(en-us,OCS.14).gif Contacts
Gets the array of IContact of Contacts/Groups retrieved.
Ff398145.pubproperty(en-us,OCS.14).gif AllContactsAndGroups
Gets the array of IDispatch of Contacts and Groups retrieved.
Ff398145.pubproperty(en-us,OCS.14).gif Groups
Gets the array of IGroup of Contacts/Groups retrieved.
Ff398145.pubproperty(en-us,OCS.14).gif IsMoreAvailable
Gets a flag indicating whether more search results are available.

See Also

ISearchResults Interface

UCCollaborationLib Namespace