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The GetRestrictions method retrieves a string representing the playback and copying restrictions you have defined.


String = WMRMRestrictions.GetRestrictions


This method takes no parameters.

Return Values

If this method succeeds, it returns a String containing the restriction settings. If it fails, it returns a number in the error object.


After you have defined the restriction settings for playback or copying, such as output protection levels or excluded technologies, set them in the license by using the WMRMRights.PlayRestrictions or WMRMRights.CopyRestrictions property.

Example Code

' Set playback and copy restrictions.
Dim RestrictObj              ' WMRMRestrictions object
Dim PlayRestrictions         ' Playback restrictions
Dim CopyRestrictions         ' Copy restrictions

Set RestrictObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMRestrictions")

' Set output protection levels for playback.  
Call RestrictObj.AddRestriction(1, 300)  ' Uncompressed digital video
Call RestrictObj.AddRestriction(2, 500)  ' Compressed digital video
Call RestrictObj.AddRestriction(3, 200)  ' Analog video
Call RestrictObj.AddRestriction(4, 200)  ' Compressed digital audio
Call RestrictObj.AddRestriction(5, 200)  ' Uncompressed digital audio

' Add an extended technology for playing analog video.
Call RestrictObj.AddExtension("{C3FD11C6-F8B7-4d20-B008-1DB17D61F2DA}", 1)

' Get the playback restrictions string.
PlayRestrictions = RestrictObj.GetRestrictions

' Set output protection levels for copying.  
Set RestrictObj = Nothing
Set RestrictObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMRestrictions")

Call RestrictObj.AddRestriction(6, 400)    ' Copied output.

' Get the copy restrictions string.
CopyRestrictions = RestrictObj.GetRestrictions


Version: Windows Media Rights Manager 10 SDK

Reference: wmrmobjs 1.0 Type Library

Library: wmrmobjs.dll

Platform: Windows Server 2003

See Also