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This function returns a list of bus-relative hardware resources, such as IRQ, I/O ports, and device memory ranges, claimed in the registry for a PCI NIC.

NDIS_STATUS NdisMPciAssignResources(
IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportHandle, 
IN ULONG SlotNumber, 
OUT PNDIS_RESOURCE_LIST *AssignedResources );


  • MiniportHandle
    Specifies the MiniportAdapterHandle passed in to the MiniportInitialize function and to most other MiniportXXX functions.
  • SlotNumber
    Specifies the slot number of the driver's NIC on the PCI bus.
  • AssignedResources
    Pointer to a list of the hardware resources that the NIC can use.

Return Values



This function claims a set of hardware resources in the registry for a miniport's PCI NIC to use, thus preventing conflicting claims on the same resources from other devices in the computer.

The buffer specified at AssignedResources is formatted as an NDIS_RESOURCE_LIST structure, which is equivalent to the CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_LIST structure on Windows NT platforms.

The bus-relative configuration parameters returned in this buffer can be used in the MiniportInitialize function's subsequent calls to NdisXXX functions such as NdisMRegisterInterrupt, NdisMMapIoSpace, and/or NdisMRegisterIoPortRange.

A driver that calls this function runs at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL.


Runs on Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 2.0 and later Ndis.h    

Note   This API is part of the complete Windows CE OS package as provided by Microsoft. The functionality of a particular platform is determined by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and some devices may not support this API.

See Also

NdisMMapIoSpace, NdisReadPciSlotInformation

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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