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Creating a Redistributable Setup

Creating a Redistributable Setup

Introduction to creating a redistributable setup.

To distribute an ink-enabled application to computers that are not running Microsoft® Windows® XP Tablet PC Edition (that is, computers running Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, or Windows 2000) you must include the necessary merge modules in your setup.

The Mstpcrt.msm merge module includes all of the files, resources, registry entries, and setup logic necessary for Windows Installer to install the shared files that other platforms require to run unmanaged applications developed for the Tablet PC. Mstpcrt.msm is consumed by Windows Installer (.msi) files. For applications that use the InkDivider object, you must also redistribute InkDiv.msm. For applications that use the PenInputPanel object, you must also include PIPanel.msm in your setup. For applications that use managed components, you must also include the merge module files for those managed components.

The following table describes the merge module files that ship with the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Software Development Kit (SDK).

Redistributable Merge Module Description Files
InkDiv.msm Installs the unmanaged version of the InkDivider object. InkDiv.dll
Mstpcrt.msm Installs the unmanaged components of the Tablet PC Platform version 1.0. Gdiplus.dll, InkEd.dll, InkObj.dll, Tpcps.dll, Wisptis.exe
Msvcp60.msm Installs components of the Microsoft Visual C++® runtime. Msvcp60.dll
Msvcrt.msm Installs components of the Microsoft Visual C runtime. Msvcrt.dll
PIPanel.msm Installs the unmanaged version of the PenInputPanel object. PIPRes.dll, PIPanel.dll, PIPanel.exe
Tpcman17.msm Installs the managed components of the Tablet PC Platform runtime. Requires that the mstpcrt.msm file is installed. Microsoft.Ink.dll, Microsoft.Ink.resources.dll

Note: To use the functionality of the Microsoft .NET Framework that is included in merge modules for managed components, you must have installed Service Pack 2 of the Framework on the target computer.

Reduced Feature Set

Ink-enabled applications treat mouse events as pen movements to simulate working with a tablet pen. Users can add ink, erase ink, and save ink documents. However, recognition and gestures are not available for users other than those running Windows XP Tablet PC Edition.

Mstpcrt.msm does not include Windows Journal or Tablet PC Input Panel.

The PenInputPanel object does not function on any operating systems besides Windows XP Tablet PC Edition.


Note: If your application uses managed code, you must also deploy the Framework. The Framework must be installed before your Tablet PC managed assemblies are installed.

How to include Mstpcrt.msm in a Setup project.

  1. In the Solution Explorer, select your Setup project.
  2. On the Project menu, click Add, and then click Merge Module. Note: You can also reach the Add Modules dialog by right-clicking the installer project name in the Solution Explorer, highlighting Add, and then selecting Merge Module.
  3. In the Add Modules dialog, navigate to and select Mstpcrt.msm.
  4. Click Open.

Mstpcrt.msm is added to your Setup project and appears in the Solution Explorer window.

Windows Installer adds the files contained in the merge module to the Program Files folder. To use these files, end users must be logged on with an account that has access to the Program Files folder.

Note: You must add SelfRegModules Action Leave Site and SelfUnregModules Action Leave Site actions to the installation sequence. The MsiPublishAssemblies Action Leave Site and MsiUnpublishAssemblies Action Leave Site actions receive their order in the installation sequence from these actions.