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Fixed-Layout Cobranding Overview

Fixed-Layout Cobranding (Deprecated)

Fixed-layout cobranding is the term for the Microsoft .NET Passport cobranding technique that was in place before Passport version 1.35. "Fixed" implies that the section of a page that your site used for cobranding was typically a fixed rectangle of HTMLfor example, a text block with some basic styling tags. In version 1.35, Passport introduced flexible-layout cobranding, which effectively reverses the balance between cobranded content and the user interface (UI) provided by .NET Passport servers, and dramatically increases your site's ability to cobrand a .NET Passport page. For more information about flexible-layout cobranding, see Flexible-Layout Cobranding Overview.

Fixed-layout Cobranding Variables

The following are the variables you specify for fixed-layout cobranding of the .NET Passport Login pages:

  • CBLogo
    Specifies a well-formed URL that displays the cobranding logo Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) file. If this string is empty or null, the image you specified by CoBrandImageURL at site registration time is displayed. This logo image is not displayed if any flexible-layout cobranding variables are used for cobranding on the Login server.

    The graphic itself must be 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels high, and is so specified by HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes when rendered on a .NET Passport page. Any image not of these dimensions will therefore become distorted when rendered.

  • CBSigninTxt1
    Specifies a text string that you supply, to be displayed on the Sign-in page under the cobranding logo. If this string is empty or null, the network default text is displayed. This field does allow HTML tags. However, it is strongly recommended that you supply only simple text, because this string is rendered as part of a document.write operation into a limited rectangular space. This string should be less than 200 characters in length; any overrun will be truncated at rendering time, and such truncation could cause a tag mismatch in the resulting HTML.

  • CBSigninTxt2
    Specifies a text string that you supply, to be displayed on the Sign-in page to the right of the cobranding logo. If this string is empty or null, the network default text is displayed. This field does allow HTML tags.

    Important  Do not include graphics wider than 295 pixels in this area. Graphics of greater width will cause the Sign In dialog box to shift or wrap and create a poor user experience at sign-in time. If graphics wider than 295 pixels must be used, use the flexible-layout cobranding technique instead.

The following are the variables you specify for fixed-layout cobranding of the .NET Passport Registration pages:

  • CBLogo
    Specifies a well-formed URL that displays the cobranding logo Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) file. If this string is empty or null, the image you specified by CoBrandImageURL at registration time is displayed. This logo image is not displayed if any flexible-layout cobranding variables are used for cobranding on the Registration server.

  • CBRegTxt1
    Specifies text to be displayed on the registration page in the cobranding top area. This text appears just below the "Sign Up for a Passport" heading on that page. If the value of this string is empty or null, the network default text is displayed. This field does allow HTML tags.

  • CBRegTxt2
    Specifies text to be displayed on the confirmation page after the user successfully obtains a .NET Passport. If the value of this string is empty or null, the network default text is be displayed. This field does allow HTML tags.