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IVideoProcAmp Interface

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

IVideoProcAmp Interface

This topic applies only to Windows XP Service Pack 2 and later.

The IVideoProcAmp interface controls the image adjustment (ProcAmp) settings on a capture device.

This interface may be exposed by one or more nodes in a capture filter. It is not exposed at the level of the filter itself. To enumerate the nodes, query the filter for the IKsTopologyInfo interface. For each node, call IKsTopologyInfo::get_NodeType to get the node type. The IVideoProcAmp interface is exposed by nodes of type KSNODETYPE_VIDEO_PROCESSING. Get the interface pointer by calling IKsTopologyInfo::CreateNodeInstance with the value IID_IVideoProcAmp.

This interface corresponds to the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_VIDEOPROCAMP property set, which is documented in the Windows DDK.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IVideoProcAmp interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_BacklightCompensation Returns the camera's backlight compensation setting.
get_Brightness Returns the camera's brightness setting.
get_ColorEnable Returns the camera's color-enable setting.
get_Contrast Returns the camera's contrast setting.
get_DigitalMultiplier Returns the camera's digital zoom level.
get_Gain Returns the camera's gain setting.
get_Gamma Returns the camera's gamma setting.
get_Hue Returns the camera's hue setting.
get_PowerlineFrequency Returns the camera's power line frequency setting.
get_Saturation Returns the camera's saturation setting.
get_Sharpness Returns the camera's sharpness setting.
get_WhiteBalance Returns the camera's white balance, specified as a color temperature.
get_WhiteBalanceComponent Returns the camera's white balance, specified as red and blue component values.
getRange_BacklightCompensation Returns the range of backlight compensation settings supported by the camera.
getRange_Brightness Returns the range of brightness settings supported by the camera.
getRange_ColorEnable Returns the range of color-enable settings supported by the camera.
getRange_Contrast Returns the range of contrast settings supported by the camera.
getRange_DigitalMultiplier Returns the range of digital zoom levels supported by the camera.
getRange_Gain Returns the range of gain settings supported by the camera.
getRange_Gamma Returns the range of gamma settings supported by the camera.
getRange_Hue Returns the range of hue settings supported by the camera.
getRange_PowerlineFrequency Returns the range of power line frequency settings supported by the camera.
getRange_Saturation Returns the range of saturation settings supported by the camera.
getRange_Sharpness Returns the range of sharpness settings supported by the camera.
getRange_WhiteBalance Returns the range of white balance settings supported by the camera, expressed as color temperature.
getRange_WhiteBalanceComponent Returns the range of white balance settings supported by the camera, expressed as red and blue component values.
put_BacklightCompensation Sets the camera's backlight compensation.
put_Brightness Sets the camera's brightness setting.
put_ColorEnable Sets the camera's color-enable setting.
put_Contrast Sets camera's contrast setting.
put_DigitalMultiplier Sets the camera's digital zoom level.
put_Gain Sets the camera's gain setting.
put_Gamma Sets the camera's gamma setting.
put_Hue Sets the camera's hue setting.
put_PowerlineFrequency Sets the camera's power line frequency setting.
put_Saturation Sets the camera's saturation setting.
put_Sharpness Sets the camera's sharpness setting.
put_WhiteBalance Sets the camera's white balance, specified as a color temperature.
put_WhiteBalanceComponent Sets the camera's white balance, specified as red and blue component values.


Header: Include Vidcap.h.

Library: None.