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IDVB_SIT Interface

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

IDVB_SIT Interface

This topic applies to Update Rollup 2 for Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 and later.

The IDVB_SIT interface enables the client to get information from a selection information table (SIT). The IDvbSiParser::GetSIT method returns a pointer to this interface.

The presence of a SIT in a transport stream indicates that the transport stream is partial, meaning the stream contains a subset of a complete broadcast stream. A partial transport stream does not carry any service information (SI) tables other than SITs and discontinuity information tables (DITs). The SIT contains a summary of the full SI information for the stream.

The SIT may contain one or more table-wide descriptors. In addition, each record in the SIT may have one or more descriptors. To get the table-wide descriptors, use the GetTableDescriptorByIndex or GetTableDescriptorByTag method. To get the record descriptors, use the GetRecordDescriptorByIndex or GetRecordDescriptorByTag method.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IDVB_SIT interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
ConvertNextToCurrent Converts a next table to a current table.
GetCountOfRecords Returns the number of records in the SIT.
GetCountOfTableDescriptors Returns the number of table-wide descriptors in the SIT.
GetNextTable Retrieves the next table that follows the current table.
GetRecordCountOfDescriptors Returns the number of descriptors for a record in the SIT.
GetRecordDescriptorByIndex Retrieves a descriptor for a specified record in the SIT.
GetRecordDescriptorByTag Searches a record in the SIT for a descriptor with a specified descriptor tag.
GetRecordRunningStatus Returns the running status of a particular event in the SIT.
GetRecordServiceId Returns the service identifier for a record in the SIT.
GetTableDescriptorByIndex Retrieves a table-wide descriptor for the SIT.
GetTableDescriptorByTag Searches the SIT for a table-wide descriptor with the specified descriptor tag.
GetVersionNumber Returns the version number for the SIT.
Initialize Initializes the object.
RegisterForNextTable Registers the client to be notified when a next table arrives that will replace the current table.
RegisterForWhenCurrent Registers the client to be notified when the table becomes current.


Header: Include dvbsiparser.h.

See Also