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IDVB_SDT Interface

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

IDVB_SDT Interface

This topic applies to Update Rollup 2 for Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 and later.

The IDVB_SDT interface enables the client to get information from a service description table (SDT). The IDvbSiParser::GetSDT method returns a pointer to this interface.

An SDT describes one or more services that are carried in a particular transport stream. The services may be carried in the same transport stream that carries the SDT, or a different transport stream.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IDVB_SDT interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
ConvertNextToCurrent Converts a next table to a current table.
GetCountOfRecords Returns the number of records in the SDT.
GetNextTable Retrieves the next table that follows the current table.
GetOriginalNetworkId Returns the original network identifier.
GetRecordCountOfDescriptors Returns the number of descriptors for a record in the SDT.
GetRecordDescriptorByIndex Retrieves a descriptor for a specified record in the SDT.
GetRecordDescriptorByTag Searches a record in the SDT for a descriptor with a specified descriptor tag.
GetRecordEITPresentFollowingFlag Queries whether the current transport stream contains present/following EIT information for a particular service.
GetRecordEITScheduleFlag Queries whether the current transport stream contains schedule EIT information for a particular service.
GetRecordFreeCAMode Queries whether any of the component streams for a particular service are scrambled.
GetRecordRunningStatus Returns the running status of a particular service in the SDT.
GetRecordServiceId Returns the service identifier for a record in the SDT.
GetTransportStreamId Returns the transport stream identifier (TSID) for the SDT.
GetVersionHash Returns a hash value for this table instance.
GetVersionNumber Returns the version number for the SDT.
Initialize Initializes the object.
RegisterForNextTable Registers the client to be notified when a next table arrives that will replace the current table.
RegisterForWhenCurrent Registers the client to be notified when the table becomes current.


Header: Include dvbsiparser.h.

See Also