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COARefTime Class

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

COARefTime Class

COARefTime Class Hierarchy

The COARefTime class converts reference times between seconds and 100-nanosecond units.

This class converts between reference times that are compatible with Automation and reference times that are compatible with C/C++. Automation-compatible interfaces use double values to represent time in seconds. Other interfaces use 64-bit LONGLONG values to represent time in 100-nanosecond units. The following types are defined for these values:

typedef double    REFTIME;

Filters can use the COARefTime class to convert between the two formats. This class is derived from the CRefTime class.


**  Header:** Declared in Ctlutil.h; include Streams.h.

**  Library:** Use Strmbase.lib (retail builds) or Strmbasd.lib (debug builds).

Public Methods  
COARefTime Constructor method.
double Converts the reference time to a double value.
REFERENCE_TIME Retrieves the reference time as a REFERENCE_TIME value.
Operator = Assigns a new reference time.
Operator == Tests for equality between two reference times.
Operator != Tests for inequality between two reference times.
Operator < Tests if one reference time is less than another.
Operator > Tests if one reference time is greater than another.
Operator <= Tests if one reference time is less than or equal to another.
Operator >= Tests if one reference time is greater than or equal to another.
Operator + Adds two reference times.
Operator – Subtracts one reference time from another.
Operator += Adds two reference times, and sets this object to the result.
Operator –= Subtracts one reference time from another, and sets this object to the result.
Operator * Multiplies a reference time.
Operator / Divides a reference time.