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IConnector Interface

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IConnector Interface

The IConnector interface represents a point of connection between components. The client obtains a reference to an IConnector interface by calling the IDeviceTopology::GetConnector or IConnector::GetConnectedTo method, or by calling the IPart::QueryInterface method with parameter iid set to REFIID IID_IConnector.

An IConnector interface instance can represent:

  • An audio jack on a piece of hardware
  • An internal connection to an integrated endpoint device (for example, a built-in microphone in a laptop computer)
  • A software connection implemented through DMA transfers

The methods in the IConnector interface can describe various kinds of connectors. A connector has a type (a ConnectorType enumeration constant) and a subtype (a GUID obtained from the IPart::GetSubType method).

A part in a device topology can be either a connector or a subunit. The IPart interface provides methods that are common to connectors and subunits.

For code examples that use the IConnector interface, see the implementations of the GetHardwareDeviceTopology and SelectCaptureDevice functions in Device Topologies.

IConnector inherits from the IUnknown interface. In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, IConnector supports the following methods.

Method Description
ConnectTo Connects this connector to a connector in another device-topology object.
Disconnect Disconnects this connector from another connector.
GetConnectorIdConnectedTo Gets the global ID of the connector, if any, that this connector is connected to.
GetConnectedTo Gets the connector to which this connector is connected.
GetDataFlow Gets the direction of data flow through this connector.
GetDeviceIdConnectedTo Gets the device identifier of the audio device, if any, that this connector is connected to.
GetType Gets the type of this connector.
IsConnected Indicates whether this connector is connected to another connector.


Client: Windows Vista

Header: Include Devicetopology.h.

See Also

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