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The latest version of this topic can be found at AddCommonConfig.

Adds the default configurations to the project.


      function AddCommonConfig(   


The selected project.

The name of the project.


Call this function to add the default code model configurations to the project your wizard creates. You can specify either a Release configuration or a Debug configuration. The following tables list the code model object's default property settings for each configuration type.

Visual C++ Compiler Tool Object

Object property Release configuration setting Debug configuration setting
UsePrecompiledHeader pchUseUsingSpecific pchUseUsingSpecific
WarningLevel 3 3
MinimalRebuild Not applicable true
DebugInformationFormat debugEnabled debugEditAndContinue
Optimization optimizeMaxSpeed Not applicable
BasicRuntimeChecks Not applicable runtimeBasicCheckAll
Detect64BitPortabilityProblems true true
OmitFramePointers true Not applicable
EnableFunctionLevelLinking true Not applicable
StringPooling true Not applicable

Visual C++ Configuration Object

Object property Release configuration setting Debug configuration setting
IntermediateDirectory "Release" "Debug"
OutputDirectory "Release" "Debug"

Visual C++ Linker Tool Object

Object property Release configuration setting Debug configuration setting
SubSystem subSystemWindows subSystemWindows
TargetMachine machineX86 machineX86
GenerateDebugInformation true true


// Create the Visual C++ project.  
selProj = CreateProject(strProjectName, strProjectPath);  
// Add the common configuration to the project.  
   AddCommonConfig(selProj, strProjectName);  
   selProj.Object.keyword = "MyProj";  

See Also

Customizing C++ Wizards with Common JScript Functions
JScript Functions for C++ Wizards
Creating a Custom Wizard
Designing a Wizard