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PREfast List

A PREfast List command displays the contents of the Defect Log in text format at the command line. You can use a PREfast list command to display the contents of the Defect Log as soon as the analysis is complete and any time thereafter until you use a PREfast Reset command or delete the Defect Log. Use this parameter with the redirection character (>) to create a text file of the Defect Log, for example, prefast list > prefast1.txt.

prefast [/log=LogFile] [/FilterPreset=PresetName] list



  • **/log=**LogFile
    Displays the specified Defect Log. By default, this command displays the Defects.xml file.

    The default location of the Defects.xml file is %APPDATA%\Microsoft\PFD.

    For Windows Vista, the %APPDATA% variable becomes <drive>:\Users\<user>\Application Data.

    For Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 the %APPDATA% variable becomes <drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data.


  • **/FilterPreset=**PresetName
    Applies the specified preset filter to the Defect Log displayed at the command line. The filter names are case-sensitive. For a list of preset filters, see List of Preset Filters.

    By default, no filters are applied.


prefast list
prefast list > d:\usbdriver\pfdlog.txt
prefast /log=d:\usbdriver\pfdlog.xml list
prefast /FilterPreset=winpft list


The components of this command must appear in the order shown in the Syntax section.



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Build date: 5/3/2011