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ordered_message_processor Class


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An ordered_message_processor is a message_processor that allows message blocks to process messages in the order they were received.


template<class T>
class ordered_message_processor : public message_processor<T>;


The payload type of messages handled by the processor.


Public Typedefs

Name Description
type A type alias for T.

Public Constructors

Name Description
ordered_message_processor::ordered_message_processor Constructor Constructs an ordered_message_processor object.
ordered_message_processor::~ordered_message_processor Destructor Destroys the ordered_message_processor object.

Public Methods

Name Description
ordered_message_processor::async_send Method Asynchronously queues up messages and starts a processing task, if this has not been done already. (Overrides message_processor::async_send.)
ordered_message_processor::initialize Method Initializes the ordered_message_processor object with the appropriate callback function, scheduler and schedule group.
ordered_message_processor::initialize_batched_processing Method Initialize batched message processing
ordered_message_processor::sync_send Method Synchronously queues up messages and starts a processing task, if this has not been done already. (Overrides message_processor::sync_send.)
ordered_message_processor::wait Method A processor-specific spin wait used in destructors of message blocks to make sure that all asynchronous processing tasks have time to finish before destroying the block. (Overrides message_processor::wait.)

Protected Methods

Name Description
ordered_message_processor::process_incoming_message Method The processing function that is called asynchronously. It dequeues messages and begins processing them. (Overrides message_processor::process_incoming_message.)

Inheritance Hierarchy




Header: agents.h

Namespace: concurrency

ordered_message_processor::async_send Method

Asynchronously queues up messages and starts a processing task, if this has not been done already.

virtual void async_send(_Inout_opt_ message<T>* _Msg);


A pointer to a message.

ordered_message_processor::initialize Method

Initializes the ordered_message_processor object with the appropriate callback function, scheduler and schedule group.

void initialize(
    _Inout_opt_ Scheduler* _PScheduler,
    _Inout_opt_ ScheduleGroup* _PScheduleGroup,
    _Handler_method const& _Handler);


A pointer to the scheduler to be used for scheduling light-weight tasks.

A pointer to the schedule group to be used for scheduling light-weight tasks.

The handler functor invoked during callback.

ordered_message_processor::initialize_batched_processing Method

Initialize batched message processing

virtual void initialize_batched_processing(
    _Handler_method const& _Processor,
    _Propagator_method const& _Propagator);


The processor functor invoked during callback.

The propagator functor invoked during callback.

ordered_message_processor::ordered_message_processor Constructor

Constructs an ordered_message_processor object.



This ordered_message_processor will not schedule asynchronous or synchronous handlers until the initialize function is called.

ordered_message_processor::~ordered_message_processor Destructor

Destroys the ordered_message_processor object.

virtual ~ordered_message_processor();


Waits for all outstanding asynchronous operations before destroying the processor.

ordered_message_processor::process_incoming_message Method

The processing function that is called asynchronously. It dequeues messages and begins processing them.

virtual void process_incoming_message();

ordered_message_processor::sync_send Method

Synchronously queues up messages and starts a processing task, if this has not been done already.

virtual void sync_send(_Inout_opt_ message<T>* _Msg);


A pointer to a message.

ordered_message_processor::wait Method

A processor-specific spin wait used in destructors of message blocks to make sure that all asynchronous processing tasks have time to finish before destroying the block.

virtual void wait();

See Also

concurrency Namespace