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Preparing for Deploying Microsoft Dynamics NAV on Windows Azure

You must perform the following prerequisites before you deploy Microsoft Dynamics NAV on Windows Azure virtual machines:

  • Setting Up the Windows Azure Subscription

  • Preparing the Provisioning Computer

  • Creating a Backup of the Application Database

  • Installing Control Add-ins and Server-Side Files

Before you begin, determine the network topology that you want for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation. For more information, see Network Topologies for Microsoft Dynamics NAV on Azure.

Play button for a video For a video demonstration, see How Do I: Get Started with Provisioning Tools for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 on Windows Azure.


This video prepares the environment for deploying Microsoft Dynamics NAV on Windows Azure. For video demonstrations of deploying Microsoft Dynamics NAV after preparation, see How Do I: Automate Provisioning of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 on a Windows Azure Virtual Machine or How Do I: Automate Provisioning of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Across Two Windows Azure Virtual Machines.

Setting Up the Windows Azure Subscription

Perform the following tasks to create a Windows Azure subscription and prepare the subscription for deploying Microsoft Dynamics NAV. You only have to perform these tasks one time.

Task Description

Sign up for a Microsoft account.

You use a Microsoft account to sign in to the Windows Azure Management Portal.

For more information, see How to: Sign Up for a Microsoft Account.

Sign up for a Windows Azure subscription.

The Windows Azure subscription gives you access to the Azure Management Portal.

For more information, see How to: Sign Up for a Windows Azure Subscription.

Create a Windows Azure storage account in the data center where you want to add your virtual machines.

A Windows Azure storage account provides access to the Windows Azure Blob, Table, and Queue services in a geographic region. To create a storage account, you use the Azure Management Portal. For more information, see How to Create a Storage Account.

Make a note of the name that you use for the storage account because you will use it when you deploy Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Prepare a Windows Azure image for Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

You will create Azure virtual machines for Microsoft Dynamics NAV deployment based on a Windows Azure image.

You can use an image from the Azure Image Gallery, or create your own image. If you use an image from the Azure Image, then no action is needed for this prerequisite.

For more information, see Preparing a Windows Azure Virtual Machine Image for Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Preparing the Provisioning Computer

Perform the following tasks on the computer that you will use to create the Windows Azure virtual machines and deploy Microsoft Dynamics NAV. You will use this computer to run the Windows Azure provisioning scripts for Microsoft Dynamics NAV. You only have to perform these tasks one time.

Task Description

Install Windows PowerShell 3.0.

By default, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 include Windows PowerShell 3.0 and its prerequisites. If Windows PowerShell 3.0 is not installed, then you can download from Installing Windows PowerShell.

Install the Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE).

This is an optional requirement. Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) enables you to run commands, and write and debug scripts in a single graphical user interface. You can use Windows PowerShell ISE to run the sample scripts that are available with Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

For more information, see Windows PowerShell 3.0 Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE).

This is an optional requirement. However, many of the procedures in this guide use Windows PowerShell ISE because of its ease of use.

Install the Windows Azure PowerShell module.

For more information, see How to: Install the Windows Azure Cmdlets Module.

Download and import publish settings and subscription information.

To configure the connectivity between the provisioning computer and Windows Azure, you download and import the PublishSettings file. For more information, see How to: Download and Import Publish Settings and Subscription Information.

Copy the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Provisioning Tools for Windows Azure to the computer.

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Provisioning Tools for Windows Azure are included on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation media in the WindowsPowerShellScripts\Cloud folder. Copy the Cloud folder and its contents to a location on the provisioning computer.

For more information, see How to: Install the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Provisioning Tools for Windows Azure.

Obtain a security certificate PFX file and password for client services.

This security certificate will be stored at the hosted service level on Azure. The security certificate is used to establish a trusted connection between clients and Microsoft Dynamics NAV services, such as SOAP and OData. You can use the sample certificate that is provided with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, or you can obtain your own certificate. If you decide to use the sample certificate, then no action is required for this task.

Obtain a security certificate PFX file and password for configuring SSL for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.

The example scripts of the provisioning tools configure HTTPS on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server to help secure Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client connections. If you do not have a certificate, the provisioning tools will automatically generate and implement a certificate. In this case, no action is required for this task

Obtain a security certificate PFX file and password for ClickOnce installation of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client.

This requirement is optional. The certificate is used to sign the ClickOnce installation of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client to indicate to end users that the publisher is verified. You can use the sample certificate that is provided with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, or you can obtain your own certificate.

Install the Microsoft Windows HTTP Services Certificate Configuration Tool.

This tool enables administrators to install and configure client certificates. For more information, see Windows HTTP Services Certificate Configuration Tool.

Install the makecert.exe tool (Certificate Creation Tool) for creating an SSL certificate for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client deployment.

The makecert.exe generates certificates for testing. It is available with Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Windows SDK. For more information, see Certificate Creation Tool (Makecert.exe) in the MSDN Library.

The makecert.exe tool is only required if you do not already have an SSL certificate.

Download and install the Manifest Generation and Editing Tool (mage.exe) version 4.0 or later versions.

The Manifest Generation and Editing Tool is included with .NET Framework 4 and .NET Framework 4.5, which are part of the Windows SDK for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2012.

The installation of the Windows SDK can fail on some computers and Windows versions. If this occurs, as a workaround, install the Windows SDK on another computer, and then copy the mage.exe file to the provisioning computer.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV license.

You must have a valid license. A demonstration license (Cronus.flf) is available on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation media (DVD).

Creating a Backup of the Application Database

If you will deploy your own application database instead of the CRONUS International Ltd. demonstration database, then you must create a backup of the database, and store it in a location that can be accessed from the provisioning computer. You must perform this task for each Microsoft Dynamics NAV application database that you want to deploy on Windows Azure.

For more information, see How to: Export Your Solution to a Database Backup File.

Installing Control Add-ins and Server-Side Files

If the Microsoft Dynamics NAV application that you are deploying on Windows Azure includes control add-ins or additional files that will run on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, copy these files to a location that can be accessed from the provisioning computer, and then modify the deployment scripts to install the files.

For more information, see How to: Install Control Add-Ins and Support Files for Your Solution

See Also


Planning and Preparing
Deploying Microsoft Dynamics NAV Using the Example Scripts
Deploying and Managing Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 on Windows Azure