Adding a policy resource assembly
You must create an assembly that contains the text that the Dynamics Security Service console displays for your policies and behaviors. To add a resource assembly to the current Visual Studio solution, complete the following steps:
Create a Visual Studio class library project.
In the File menu, point to Add, and then click New Project. In the Add New Project window, choose Visual C# from the Project types list. In Templates, select Class Library from the list of Visual Studio installed templates.
Enter a name for your project. Review the Location and Solution Name and click OK.
Hint: Use the same assembly name as the one you used for the resXAssemblyName parameter for the policy, behavior, behavior option, and behavior parameter constructors that you added to your "policy helper" application.
Add a resource file to the project.
In the Project menu, choose Add New Item. In the Add New Item window, choose Resources File from the list of Templates. Enter the same name that you entered for the project and click Add.
Add names and values to the resource file.
From the Visual Studio Solution Explorer, open the resource file. To add names and values to the resource file, click the Strings button. In the Name column, enter a name that uniquely identifies the resource. The name should describe the resource and should contain no spaces or special characters.
Hint: You will use these names as the resource name parameters of the policy, behavior, behavior option, and behavior parameter constructors that you used in your "policy helper" application. The constructor in the "policy helper" application adds the specified text resource to the metadata of the your policies and behaviors.
In the Value column, enter the text that you want the Dynamics Security Console to display. The Comment column is optional.
To begin, specify the root object name for your document type. The following example shows the root object name for leads.
Add the names for your policies. The following example shows the names for each of the lead policies.
Create Lead Policy
Delete Lead Policy
Update Lead Policy
Add a name and description for each of your behaviors. The following example shows the names of the behaviors associated with the Create Lead Policy.
Create qualified lead
Specify the lead source for a qualified lead
Add a name and description for each of the behavior options for your behaviors. The following example shows the behavior options for the behavior associated with the Create Lead Policy.
Not Qualified
Lead is not qualified
Lead is qualified
Add a name and description for each behavior parameter. The following example shows the parameter name and description for the Create Lead Policy.
Lead source
Source of the lead
Save the project.
From the file menu, choose Save All.