An employee within Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Property |
Type |
Length |
Default |
Description |
EmployeeKey |
N/A |
N/A |
The employee key object that uniquely identifies the employee. |
ClassKey |
N/A |
Empty |
The employee class key object that specifies the employee class. |
IsActive |
boolean |
N/A |
True |
Indicates whether the employee is active. True indicates active. False indicates inactive. |
Name |
N/A |
N/A |
The name object that specifies the names for the employee. |
DefaultAddressKey |
N/A |
N/A |
The employee address key that specifies the primary address for the employee. |
TaxIdentifier |
string |
15 |
N/A |
The government issued tax number for the employee. In the United States, this is the Social Security Number. |
BirthDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
The employee's birth date. |
GenderCode |
N/A |
Not applicable |
The gender of the employee. |
Ethnicity |
N/A |
Not applicable |
The ethnicity of the employee. |
DoesCalculateMinimumWageBalance |
boolean |
N/A |
False |
Indicates whether the minimum wage balance should be calculated for the employee. True indicates it should. False indicates it should not. |
DivisionKey |
N/A |
N/A |
The division key object that specifies the division the employee is assigned to. |
DepartmentKey |
N/A |
N/A |
The department key object that specifies the department the employee is assigned to. |
PositionKey |
N/A |
N/A |
The position key object that specifies the position the employee is assigned to. |
SupervisorKey |
N/A |
N/A |
The supervisor key object that specifies the supervisor for the employee. |
CompanyAddressKey |
N/A |
Empty |
The company address key object that specifies the address for the employee. |
DefaultCashAccountFrom |
N/A |
Checkbook |
Specifies where to post the net pay for the employee. |
GLAccountKey |
N/A |
Empty |
The GL account key object that specifies the cash account to which net pay for the employee is posted. |
WorkHoursPerYear |
int |
N/A |
0 |
The number of hours the employee typically works in a year. |
EmploymentStartDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
N/A |
The date the employee started working at the company. |
EmployeeInactivatedDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
N/A |
The date the employee was inactivated. |
ReasonEmployee |
string |
30 |
Empty |
The reason the employee was inactivated. |
MinimumNetPay |
N/A |
0 |
The minimum amount that the employee must receive in each paycheck. If the paycheck amount is below the minimum net pay after tax sheltered annuities and taxes are deducted, Payroll deductions aren't taken. |
SUTAStateKey |
N/A |
Empty |
The code for the state to which unemployment taxes will be paid for this employee. |
WorkersCompensation |
N/A |
Empty |
The code for the workers' compensation classification that applies to the employee. |
Vacation |
N/A |
Empty |
Specifies vacation information for the employee. |
SickTime |
N/A |
Empty |
Specifies sick time information for the employee. |
UserDefined1 |
string |
20 |
Empty |
User-defined data for the employee. |
UserDefined2 |
string |
20 |
Empty |
User-defined data for the employee. |
EmploymentType |
N/A |
Full Time Regular |
The type of employment for the employee. |
MaritalStatus |
N/A |
Not applicable |
The marital status for the employee. |
BenefitStartDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
The date benefits start for the employee. |
LastWorkedDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
The last day the employee worked at the company. |
DayOfBirth |
int |
N/A |
N/A |
The day of the month of the employee's birthday. |
MonthOfBirth |
N/A |
N/A |
The month of the employee's birthday. |
Spouse |
N/A |
Empty |
Information about the spouse of the employee. |
HRStatus |
N/A |
N/A |
The HR status of the employee. |
Review |
N/A |
Empty |
Information about the review status of the employee. |
IsDisabled |
boolean |
N/A |
False |
Indicates whether the employee is disabled. True indicates the employee is. False indicates the employee is not. |
IsVeteran |
boolean |
N/A |
False |
Indicates whether the employee is a military veteran. True indicates the employee is. False indicates the employee is not. |
IsVietnamEraVeteran |
boolean |
N/A |
False |
Indicates whether the employee is a military veteran from the Vietnam era. True indicates the employee is. False indicates the employee is not. |
IsDisabledVeteran |
boolean |
N/A |
False |
Indicates whether the employee is a disabled veteran. True indicates the employee is. False indicates the employee is not. |
IsUnionEmployee |
boolean |
N/A |
False |
Indicates whether the employee is in a union. True indicates the employee is. False indicates the employee is not. |
IsSmoker |
boolean |
N/A |
False |
Indicates whether the employee is a smoker. True indicates the employee is. False indicates the employee is not. |
IsUnitedStatesCitizen |
boolean |
N/A |
False |
Indicates whether the employee is a US citizen. True indicates the employee is. False indicates the employee is not. |
IsI9Verified |
boolean |
N/A |
False |
Indicates whether the I9 form for the employee has been verified. True indicates it has been. False indicates it has not. |
I9RenewDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
The date the I9 for the employee is to be renewed. |
PrimaryPayCodeKey |
N/A |
Empty |
The primary pay code for the employee. |
ModifiedBy |
string |
15 |
Empty |
Contains the login ID of the user who last modified the employee record. |
ModifiedDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
Contains the date the employee record was last modified. |
UnionKey |
N/A |
Empty |
The union key object that specfies the union the employee belongs to. |
IsOtherVeteran |
boolean |
N/A |
False |
Indicates whether the employee is a veteran who served in a war other than the Vietnam War, or served in a campaign or expedition and was awarded a campaign badge, service medal, or an expeditionary medal. True indicates the employee is. False indicates the employee is not. |
MilitaryDischargeDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
The date the employee was discharged from the military. |
BenefitExpiration |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
Specifies the date that benefits expire. |
RateClass |
string |
15 |
Empty |
Specifies the rate class for the employee. |
FederalClass |
string |
15 |
Empty |
Specifies the federal class code for the employee. |
Status |
string |
15 |
Empty |
Specifies the status of the employee. |
Addresses |
N/A |
N/A |
The collection of addresses for the employee. |