A purchase order line for a purchase order in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Each purchase order can have a set of purchase order lines.
Property |
Type |
Length |
Default |
Description |
Key |
N/A |
N/A |
The purchase transaction line key object that uniquely identifies the purchase order line. |
WarehouseKey |
N/A |
N/A |
The warehouse key object that specifies the warehouse (site) where item will be received. |
VendorItemNumber |
string |
30 |
Empty |
The item number the vendor uses to refer to the item. |
ItemKey |
N/A |
Empty |
The item key object that specifies the item being purchased. |
QuantityOrdered |
N/A |
0 |
The quantity of the item being purchased. |
QuantityCanceled |
N/A |
0 |
The quantity canceled of the item being purchased. |
FreeOnBoard |
N/A |
None |
Specifies when ownership of the items passes from the vendor to the buyer. |
RequestedBy |
string |
20 |
Empty |
The person or department that requested the item. |
CommentKey |
N/A |
Empty |
The identifier for the comment that will apprear on the purchase order line. |
RequestedDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
The date the item must be received by. |
ReleaseByDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
The date the purchase order line needs to be released to the vendor in order to receive the item by the required date. |
PromisedDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
The date the vendor promised you would receive merchandise or services. |
PromisedShipDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
The date the vendor promised the merchandise would be shipped. |
IsNonInventory |
boolean |
N/A |
False |
Indicates whether the item on the purchase order is not an inventory item. |
InventoryGLAccountKey |
N/A |
Empty |
The GL account number key object that specifies the inventory account that will be used as the default posting account when you post invoices and shipment/invoices. |
ItemDescription |
string |
100 |
Empty |
The description of the item for the purchase order line. |
VendorItemDescription |
string |
100 |
Empty |
The vendor's description of the item being purchased. |
UofM |
string |
8 |
Empty |
The unit of measure for the purchase order line. |
TaxBasis |
N/A |
Taxable |
A tax option which will determine whether the item on the purchase order line is taxable. If it is taxable, it also specifies which tax schedule will be used. |
ItemTaxScheduleKey |
N/A |
N/A |
The tax schedule key object that uniquely identifies the item tax schedule for the item. This property is read-only. |
WarehouseTaxSchedule |
N/A |
N/A |
The tax schedule key object that uniquely identifies the warehouse (site) tax schedule to be used when the shipping method is Delivery. |
LandedCostGroupKey |
N/A |
N/A |
The landed cost group key object that uniquely identifies the landed cost group that should be used for the item. |
ShippingMethodKey |
N/A |
N/A |
The shipping method key object that specifies the shipping method for the item. |
Status |
N/A |
New |
Specifies the status of the purchase order line item. |
Comment |
string |
500 |
Empty |
The comment for the purchase order line. |
ShipToAddressKey |
N/A |
Empty |
The address key object that specifies where the purchase order line item will be shipped. |
ShipToAddress |
N/A |
Empty |
The address where the purchase order line item will be shipped. |
ProjectKey |
N/A |
N/A |
The project key object that specifies the project this purchase order line will update. |
CostCategoryKey |
N/A |
N/A |
The cost category key object that specifies the cost category that will be updated. |
UnitCost |
N/A |
Default from the item |
The cost for the item in the specified unit of measure. |
ExtendedCost |
N/A |
Set to QuantityOrdered x UnitCost |
The extended cost of the purchase order line. This property is read-only. |
SourceDocumentNumber |
string |
N/A |
N/A |
The source document number for the purchase order line. This property is read-only |
SourceDocumentLine |
string |
N/A |
N/A |
The line number for the source document. This property is read-only. |
ReleasedDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
N/A |
The date the purchase order line was released to the vendor. This property is read-only. |
TaxAmount |
N/A |
0 |
The tax amount for the purchase order line. |
BackoutTaxAmount |
N/A |
N/A |
The backout tax amount for the purchase order line. This property is read-only. |
Taxes |
N/A |
N/A |
The collection of purchase tax information for the purchase order line. |
JobNumber |
string |
N/A |
N/A |
The job number for the purchase order line. This property is read-only. |
LineOrigin |
N/A |
N/A |
Identifies the origin of the purchase order line. |
IsCapitalItem |
boolean |
N/A |
N/A |
The value True indicates that the item on the purchase order line is a capital item. This property is read-only. |
DocumentDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
N/A |
Specifies the date of the purchase order. |