Delete a customer address
The following XML example shows how to use an eConnect XML document to delete a customer address. Note the following characteristics of the document:
- The document contains a single <RMDeleteCustomerAddressType> transaction type schema. The schema specifies the XML node you use to identify an address record.
- Notice how the <RMDeleteCustomerAddress> schema includes a single <taDeleteCustomerAddress> XML node.
- Notice how the elements of the <taDeleteCustomerAddress> XML node are populated with values that identify the customer address you want to delete.
<eConnect xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes"> <RMDeleteCustomerAddressType> <taDeleteCustomerAddress> <CUSTNMBR>AARONFIT0001</CUSTNMBR> <ADRSCODE>WAREHOUSE</ADRSCODE> </taDeleteCustomerAddress> </RMDeleteCustomerAddress> </eConnect>