ReleaseUpdateDB60_Basic.updateRAsset_RTax25_101_RU Upgrade Script
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Class |
ReleaseUpdateDB60_Basic |
Method |
updateRAsset_RTax25_101_RU |
Description |
Migrates the key fields of the RAsset and RTax25 tables to the 101 relation model. |
Affected Modules and Tables
Affected Modules |
Fixed Asset |
General ledger |
Affected Tables |
RAssetInferiorDisposalTable |
RAssetInferiorDisposalTrans |
RAssetInventIssueTable |
RAssetInventIssueTrans |
RAssetInventIssueQuotaTypes |
RAssetTable |
RAssetInventIssueQuotas |
RAssetTaxAllowanceHistory |
RAssetTaxAllowance |
RTax25TaxTable |
RAssetDeprProfile |
RAssetLifeHist |
RAssetStandards |
RAssetGroup |
RAssetDeprProfileTrans |
RTax25StdRateTable |
RTax25StdRateTrans |
RTax25LedgerIntervalGroup |
RTax25LedgerInterval |
RTax25ProfitTable |
AdvanceAdjustmentParameters_W |
Currency_W |
CustParameters |
VendParameters |
AmountDiffParameters_RU |
EmplParameters_RU |
RAssetDeferralsAccounts |
RDeferralsTable |
RDeferralsWritingOffFactor |
RTax25RegisterTrans |
RTax25StdExpressionLine |
RTax25StdExpressionTable |
RTax25ProfitTotalsSetup |
RTax25RegisterProfit |
RTax25ProfitLedgerSetup |