PSASchedEmplReservation::reservedHoursOtherProj Method
Calculates how many hours the worker has been booked outside the current project on a certain day.
client server public static Hours reservedHoursOtherProj(
ProjWorkerRecId _sWorkerId,
TransDate _dTrans,
PSASchedCommit _eCommit,
ProjId _projId)
Run On
- _sWorkerId
Type: ProjWorkerRecId Extended Data Type
The current worker's record ID.
- _dTrans
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
The date to check the bookings.
- _eCommit
Type: PSASchedCommit Enumeration
The booking types will be either hard or soft.
- _projId
Type: ProjId Extended Data Type
The current project ID.
Return Value
Type: Hours Extended Data Type
The workers hard or soft booking hours outside the current project.