InventTransOrigin::deleteMarkingPhysicalDim Method
Removes the marking from transactions with the specified inventory transaction originator and dimensions. Only transactions related to physical on hand is considered.
server public static container deleteMarkingPhysicalDim(
InventTransOriginId _inventTransOriginId,
InventTransOriginId _markingRefInventTransOrigin,
InventDimId _inventDimId,
InventQty _markQty,
[PdsCWInventQty _cwMarkQty])
Run On
- _inventTransOriginId
Type: InventTransOriginId Extended Data Type
The ID of the inventory transaction originator for which marking is removed.
- _markingRefInventTransOrigin
Type: InventTransOriginId Extended Data Type
The ID of the inventory transaction originator with which the transactions must be marked.
- _inventDimId
Type: InventDimId Extended Data Type
The inventory dimension ID to match exactly when finding transactions.
- _markQty
Type: InventQty Extended Data Type
The quantity on transactions for which marking is removed.
- _cwMarkQty
Type: PdsCWInventQty Extended Data Type
The catch weight quantity on transactions for which marking is removed.
Return Value
Type: container
A container with the inventory quanty and catch weight quantity which marking was removed.