PurchReApprovalPolicyRuleTable::findRuleForRuleType Method
Finds a record in the PurchReApprovalPolicyRuleTable table for a given date interval.
client server public static PurchReApprovalPolicyRuleTable findRuleForRuleType(
RefRecId _policy,
RefRecId _policyRuleType,
ValidFromDateTime _effectiveDate,
ValidToDateTime _expirationDate,
[boolean _forUpdate])
Run On
- _policy
Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
An instance of the RefRecId class to denote policy.
- _policyRuleType
Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
An instance of the RefRecId class to denote rule type.
- _effectiveDate
Type: ValidFromDateTime Extended Data Type
The effective date on which to search for the purchase re-approval policy rule.
- _expirationDate
Type: ValidToDateTime Extended Data Type
The expiration date on which to search for the purchase re-approval policy rule.
- _forUpdate
Type: boolean
A Boolean value to specify the selected record is for update; optional.
Return Value
Type: PurchReApprovalPolicyRuleTable Table
A record in the PurchReApprovalPolicyRuleTable table; otherwise, an empty record.