TaxAdjustments_IN::insertTaxAdjustment Method
Inserts record in TaxAdjustments_IN table.
server public static void insertTaxAdjustment(
RefRecId _taxRegistrationNumber,
RefRecId _taxRegistrationGroupName,
TransDate _fromDate,
TaxPeriod _taxPeriod,
boolean _isCorrections)
Run On
- _taxRegistrationNumber
Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
The tax registration number.
- _taxRegistrationGroupName
Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
The tax registration group name.
- _fromDate
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
The from date.
- _taxPeriod
Type: TaxPeriod Extended Data Type
The tax period.
- _isCorrections
Type: boolean
This param is used to decide whether it is correction.