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BankClientFieldName_RU Enumeration

Help Text: Requisite included in exchange data format with client-bank.
Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
Encoding 1 Coding
CreationDate 2 Creation date
CreationTime 3 Creation time
PeriodStartDate 21 Period start date
PeriodEndDate 22 Period end date
AccountNum 23 Account number
StartBalance 24 Start balance
EndBalance 25 End balance
PaymentInflows 26 Incoming payments - turnovers
PaymentOutflows 27 Outgoing payments - turnovers
DocumentType 41 Document type
DocumentNumber 42 Document number
DocumentDate 43 Document date
Amount 44 Amount
SlipDate 45 Quittance date
SlipTime 46 Quittance time
SlipContents 47 Quittance content
PaymentPurpose 48 Payment purpose
PaymentType 49 Payment type
OrderOfPayment 50 Order of payment
CurrencyTransfer 51 Currency purchase
Currency 52 Currency
WriteoffDate 61 Withdrawal date
PayerBankAccount 62 Payer's bank account
PayerINN 63 INN of payer
PayerName1 64 Payer name
PayerBankName 65 Payer bank
PayerBankAddress 66 Payer's bank address
PayerBankCorrAccount 67 Payer's bank corr account
PayerBankBIC 68 Payer's bank BIC
ReceiptDate 81 Receipt date
PayeeBankAccount 82 Bank account of the recipient
PayeeINN 83 INN of recipient
PayeeName1 84 Recipient name
PayeeBankName 85 Recipient bank
PayeeBankAddress 86 Recipient's bank address
PayeeBankCorrAccount 87 Recipient's bank address corr account
PayeeBankBIC 88 Recipient's bank BIC
PaymentStatusCode 101 Compiler's status
PayerRRC 102 Payer's KPP
PayeeRRC 103 Recipient's KPP
BudgetReceiptClassCode 104 Budget classification code
PaymentBaseCode 106 Tax payment reason
TaxPeriod 107 Taxation period
PaymentDocNum 108 Tax document number
PaymentDocDate 109 Tax document date
PaymentTypeCode 110 Tax payment type
CurrencyCodeForPurchase 121 Purchase currency
ResponsibleEmployee 122 Representative employee
CommissionWriteoffAccount 123 Commission from account
TransitCurrencyAccount 124 Intermediate currency bank account
ApplSenderName 5 Program-sender
FormatVersion 6 Format version
OperationType 125 Pay type
ApplReceiverName 7 Program-receiver
Payer 126 Payer
PayerAccount 127 Account of payer
PayerName2 128 Payer name 2
PayerName3 129 Payer name 3
Payee 130 Recipient
PayeeName2 131 Recipient name 2
PayeeName3 132 Recipient name 3
PayeeAccount 133 Account of recipient

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++