PayrollPayStatement::create Method
Creates a PayrollPayStatement record for the given inputs.
client server public static PayrollPayStatement create(
HcmWorkerRecId _worker,
PayrollPayPeriodRecId _period,
TransDate _paymentDate,
PayrollPaymentType _paymentType,
PayrollPayStatementBatchNumber _batchNumber,
[boolean _doAccounting])
Run On
- _worker
Type: HcmWorkerRecId Extended Data Type
Specifies the HCM worker who is getting paid by the pay statement.
- _period
Type: PayrollPayPeriodRecId Extended Data Type
Specifies the pay period of the pay run that the pay statement is part of.
- _paymentDate
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
Specifies the actual date of the pay statement.
- _paymentType
Type: PayrollPaymentType Enumeration
Specifies the kind of pay run that is generating the pay statement.
- _batchNumber
Type: PayrollPayStatementBatchNumber Extended Data Type
Specifies the batch number that is generated for a given pay statement generation process.
- _doAccounting
Type: boolean
Return Value
Type: PayrollPayStatement Table
A persisted PayrollPayStatement record.