AssetTrans::amountMSTPerDateTransTypes Method
Gets the sum of the transactions from the AssetTrans table for the specified transaction types and asset information.
The syntax of this method varies based on the version of Microsoft Dynamics AX that you are using.
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3
client server public static AmountMST amountMSTPerDateTransTypes(
AssetId _assetId,
AssetBookId _assetBookId,
container _assetTransTypes,
TransDate _fromTransDate,
TransDate _toTransDate,
[Voucher _voucherToExclude])
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS)
client server public static AmountMST amountMSTPerDateTransTypes(
AssetId _assetId,
AssetBookId _assetBookId,
container _assetTransTypes,
TransDate _fromTransDate,
TransDate _toTransDate)
Run On
- _assetId
Type: AssetId Extended Data Type
The ID of the asset.
- _assetBookId
Type: AssetBookId Extended Data Type
The ID of the value model
- _assetTransTypes
Type: container
A container that contains the transaction types to include in the calculation.
- _fromTransDate
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
The starting date for the sum.
- _toTransDate
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
The ending date for the sum.
- _voucherToExclude
Type: Voucher Extended Data Type
The voucher to exclude from the sum; optional.
Return Value
Type: AmountMST Extended Data Type
A sum of the transactions from the AssetTrans table.