AddressTypeTable_RU::findByName Method
Finds the AddressTypeTable_RU table by the given _addrTypeName and _addrTypeLevel parameters.
server public static AddressTypeTable_RU findByName(
AddrTypeName_RU _addrTypeName,
AddrTypeLevel_RU _addrTypeLevel,
[boolean _forUpdate])
Run On
- _addrTypeName
Type: AddrTypeName_RU Extended Data Type
The name of the abridgment to search for.
- _addrTypeLevel
Type: AddrTypeLevel_RU Extended Data Type
The level of the abridgment to search for.
- _forUpdate
Type: boolean
A Boolean value that determines whether to select the record for update; optional.
Return Value
Type: AddressTypeTable_RU Table
The AddressTypeTable_RU table buffer.