DEL_RetailMultibuyDiscountTable.startingDate Method
Retrieves the discount period starting date for the current instance of table RetailMultibuyDiscountTable.
edit RetailStartingDate startingDate(
boolean _set,
DEL_RetailMultibuyDiscountTable _multibuyDiscountTable,
RetailStartingDate _startingDate)
Run On
- _set
Type: boolean
A boolean value to indicate if the field is set or no.
- _multibuyDiscountTable
Type: DEL_RetailMultibuyDiscountTable Table
The current instance of table del_RetailMultibuyDiscountTable.
- _startingDate
Type: RetailStartingDate Extended Data Type
The current value for retail starting date.
Return Value
Type: RetailStartingDate Extended Data Type
The discount period starting date.