PdsComdPricingMarginLine::findPricingMarginId Method
Finds a specific PdsPricingMarginLine record.
server public static PdsComdPricingMarginLine findPricingMarginId(
PdsComdPricingMarginId _marginId,
ItemId _itemId,
InventDimId _dimId,
PdsComdMarginAccountCode _accountCode,
PdsComdMarginAccountRelation _accountRelation,
PdsInventQtyFrom _inventQtyFrom,
[boolean _forUpdate])
Run On
- _marginId
Type: PdsComdPricingMarginId Extended Data Type
The pricing margin ID to CopyOffind.
- _itemId
Type: ItemId Extended Data Type
The item ID to find.
- _dimId
Type: InventDimId Extended Data Type
The inventory dimension ID to find.
- _accountCode
Type: PdsComdMarginAccountCode Extended Data Type
The customer account code to find.
- _accountRelation
Type: PdsComdMarginAccountRelation Extended Data Type
The customer account relation to find.
- _inventQtyFrom
Type: PdsInventQtyFrom Extended Data Type
The inventory from quantity to find.
- _forUpdate
Type: boolean
A Boolean value that indicates whether to select the record for update; optional.
Return Value
Type: PdsComdPricingMarginLine Table
The record value if found; otherwise, an empty record.