InventLocationLogisticsLocation::addLocation Method
Creates a InventLocationLogisticsLocation record and associated role for the specified warehouse.
server public static boolean addLocation(
RecId _inventLocation,
LogisticsLocationRecId _location,
LogisticsLocationRoleRecId _role,
[ValidFromDateTime _validFrom,
ValidToDateTime _validTo])
Run On
- _inventLocation
Type: RecId Extended Data Type
The RecId value of the InventLocation record for which the records are created
- _location
Type: LogisticsLocationRecId Extended Data Type
The RecId value of the LogisticsLocation record that is associated with the new records.
- _role
Type: LogisticsLocationRoleRecId Extended Data Type
The RecId of the LogisticsLocationRole record associated with the new records.
- _validFrom
Type: ValidFromDateTime Extended Data Type
The date from which the location is valid.
- _validTo
Type: ValidToDateTime Extended Data Type
The date to which the location is valid.
Return Value
Type: boolean
true if the data is created; otherwise, false.