BudgetControlSourceIntegrator Enumeration
Help Text: Indentifies the origin of the budget source
Style: ComboBox
Name | Value | Description |
BudgetTransaction | 1 | Budget register entries |
PurchaseOrder | 2 | Purchase orders |
TravelRequisition | 3 | Travel requisitions |
ExpenseReport | 4 | Expense reports |
PurchaseRequisition | 5 | Purchase requisitions |
AllocationJournal | 6 | Allocation journals |
DailyJournal | 7 | Daily journals |
FixedAssetJournal | 8 | Fixed assets journals |
ProjectExpenseJournal | 9 | Project expense journals |
LedgerEntry | 10 | General journal entry |
VendorInvoice | 11 | Vendor invoices |
AdvancedLedgerEntry | 101 | Advanced ledger entry |
PurchCommitment_PSN | 102 | Commitment |
EmplAdvReport_RU | 103 | Advance report |
Payroll | 12 | Payroll |